"ma vaffanculo..." - King of Swiss & 1st @ Italian National

koga 3001

@Atien owed me a favor, so I asked her to make me an alt-art Gatekeeper with this image I found. It's also the card that won me the finals!


This is the corp I brought to the Italian National on November 23/24.
It's the same corp I did well with @ Worlds, going 4-0 with it this time. I was struggling so hard to find a deck and went back to this last minute, with just a couple changes from last version. Not much to say, the deck is pretty linear.
Score behind gearchecks early, sometimes jam a couple remotes and score naked agendas, if they keep the tags Exchange to get a Food and remember that Giordano on centrals is often a good idea.
Close out with Game Changer.

This is how the days went.
- Bye (Regional)
- Win against Apoc Val (Sid)
- Win against Comet Smoke (b4ralai)
- ID (Darta)
- Win against Khumalo (Klark)

Top Cut:
- "Bye" win.
- Win with Runner (Berzelius)
- Win with Runner (Braverising)
- Win in the finals vs regular Smoke (Braverising) by hiding a Food in a remote waiting for Game Changer to show up (Clotlock was up). One of the commentators' reaction to that play is what gives this deck its name.

You can find a couple games here.
And here's the runner.

There was this weird situation where it looked like we were the ones playing Standard side event and the rest were in Cube Draft main event which was a bit weird (with people who managed to make the cut dropping for draft), which resulted in another bye for me in the cut. Let me tell you, it's not the greatest thing even though it's an advantage, at is feels like it takes something away from the win.
I'm still super happy about how I played and I would've never expected to win the whole thing, don't get me wrong, but it still was unfortunate.
As I already pointed out during the stream - I get it. We have small local metas in Italy (biggest one is probably Bologna, 6 people), so these kind of events are rare. Having the chance to play a relaxing format that's a bit different AND with rotated cards is always gonna attract many people.

The event was amazing.
@Atien and @Porkobolo, you handled it incredibly well and we could see how much work you put into this. Thank you so, so much for such great communication before the event, all the prizes you managed to gather (Aurbits, @Atien alt arts, kits, 1st place wooden deck box, ...), the venue (big thanks to Terre Ludiche too!!!) and all the rest.
Thanks to everyone who participated, from veterans to newer players.
Huge round of applause to @Gwendolf for getting 5th place at his first tournament.
Thanks again to the Torino crew, you know how I feel.

Always be "dio dio dio dio dio dio dio"ing.

25 Nov 2019 Porkobolo

i'm gonna leave another one of this ❤️ also here!!

25 Nov 2019 Berzelius

Proud to be the one who said it. 😄