Chaos Thievery H&P x3r0

x3r0h0ur 8956

I took this from PeeKay and edited it to fit my style some more, and update to H&P cards. I really like the style of early punish and fast answers. This adds planned assault to up the chances of having access to the appropriate ice shortage punishment.

I like how it combines criminal events, with shaper tutoring and anarch punishment for access. I am also a huge fan of scavenge to move femme around, make her permanent, worst case, cheat out opus on test run (then you have scavenge in the heap to use with SoT). I like how it tutors pretty much everything but hardware, which can be drawn for. Since everyone plays for siphon now, I felt 1 copy was enough to get the ball rolling, then move on to other events, but threaten it with SoT.

So far I'm 5-0 and still learning the ins and outs and it feels super strong and aggressive. Now it's time to post the changes for the originator to review, and see what people think.

20 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

@PeekaySK any thoughts on the changes?

20 Jun 2014 orc.dat


25 Aug 2014 PeekaySK

Hey, sorry for not noticing sooner - didn't get an email notif for this :)

I'll be honest - not a fan of Planned Assault here. Siphon isn't a move in and of itself, it's usually there to get an Indexing or a remote run through. Planned Assault doesn't really help with that. I'd rather just risk going down to 2 Siphons than go 1x Siphon 2x Planned Assault.

I'd be also a bit wary of dropping down to 2 Carapaces - pretty much every faction can comfortably splash at least one Scorch these days, with your toughest matchups (GRNDL and NEH, specifically)easily packing three. If you tag yourself without at least one carapace, you're just handing them the game. Having to delay Siphon-related aggression until you fish for one of two carapaces is just "meh" to me.

The Scavenges will work nicely, I couldn't fit them into my original version reasonably. I wouldn't run three though, two is plenty.

Ultimately, what worries me here is that you weakened the economy considerably (no Dirty Laundries, way less Siphoning going on) without adjusting the breaker package to compensate. Against taxing builds I was already pretty close to not being sustainable (my suite is built for speed, not for efficiency), and these days the ICE you encounter is actually more taxing than it was when I played this. The bare minimum tweaking I'd do would be do ditch the Assaults, put 1 Siphon back, ditch the third Scavenge and Chakana, and put back the three Laundries. That way, more hands are acceptable, your mulligan decisions are easier and you get more consistency overall.