Finite Loup

NetDad 797

Continuing the Loup tradition, this time with some new RWR toys. 40 cards will always be correct for Loup; if you want more play Hoshiko. Alarm Clock is great HQ pressure, Crew is busted, and Helium-4 is super underrated. This build sacrifices the infinite Strike Fund econ combo for a more insane early-midgame. If the corp manages to double ice all centrals while getting around Botulus and Crew this deck stalls, but I have yet to see that happen. Apply the pressure, trash the problems.

Artist is the latest tech that I suggested to @DoomRat as half a joke, but surprisingly it works here. Loup does tend to click for credits and install a ton of programs/hardware, so it would be an easy include if it was zero influence. It's a good install at every stage of the game. The main difference between this and the old builds is lack of breakers and Tranq. This means we have to use Crew on problem ice that doesn't get solved by datasucker and Audrey. I'm not sure on the Labor Rights, maybe they could be cut for more Crew & Badge, but it's good enough to publish.