Code Gates Of Hell

PackBenPack 96

I've been thinking a lot about Encrypted Portals and how dumb it was, then I started toying around with this deck and really how it plays in theory. I'll have to see if it's any good in person soon.

Your main goal is to get out a Portals and Lag Time relatively quickly. At this point your regular strength code gates are extra beefy. Plop a Will-o'-the-Wisp down to blow up their code gate and an Ash on top of it so the run is still successful, but they don't get to trash. Then even if they do you can Interns or Jackson Howard them back into play. Unorthodox Predictions lets you have a turn where runners practically cannot run on you so you can get even more nasty stuff set up.

The real surprise in this deck is Archer. Predictions is your prime Archer fuel, and after seeing that you pretty much only are running code gates they won't worry so much about face-checking without a sentry after a while. That's also where Chimera comes in handy, because they have to get that full rig out just for one piece of ice. And if you want them to be code gates, they're stronger and more annoying to break!

28 Aug 2014 StitchInTime

I like the deck, but I find Quandary and Hudson to both be wasted slots. Quandary won't benefit from Encrypted Portals, and Hudson is redundant when you're running Ash.