Blitzkrieg Bop

PureFlight 1070

It's fun to say 'Hey Ho, Let's Go!' when you lay down an Oaktown.

Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures.

Argus, Snare, Tags - this is Supermodernism, in all its exhilerating glory. Specifically, this is BOOM! Supermodernism. Boomermodernism. Modernboomerism.


So yeah, you rush out agendas every other turn behind crappy ETR ice. But wait! Why are there so many subroutines? Where are Quandary and Vanilla?

To play boom, you need tags. Tags cost . So this deck has a lot of money.

But what if they play carefully and you can't tag them? They've their NACH and their Film Critic and they're all ready for whatever tags you send their way. Well, you're probably already at 4-5 points, so you've got to tax them out with some decent ice so they can't steal your last few points. And now you've got the cash to do it. Enter Bulwark.

A remote with Bulwark, Archer, Spiderweb, and Enigma requires 3 breakers and usually ~20 for the runner to break, and it cost you 27 to set up over the course of the game. If they have to run the server twice, you're gaining over them pretty massively.

Smoke usually has enough stealth creds to get through, but they're still spending up to 12 breaking subs, and actual credits are hard for stealth decks sometimes.

Specific Card Choices

BOOM! is the name of the game here. Threatening boom is the best way to slow the runner down. You obviously fetch HHN or Midseasons with Consultants. If jackson is installed and they're buried in tags, you can shuffle trashed Booms back in at instant-speed at the start of your turn so you can Consulting-Boom for .

Even single tags are bad for the runner, so your ID does work here. You don't have Scorch, but they don't know that. On top of that, any scored Crisis Managements will make tags hurt. Snare! complements this nicely.

I like Profiteering to get me into Restructure, Midseasons, or Bulwark range, but the bad pub matters a little bit more since this is slower than some rush decks. I have 2 Ireress at the moment. If you are concerned about Yog blanking 4 of your ice, you could try 2 Sapper over the IRS.

Errand Boy has 3 subs. It's good and taxing. It has 3 subs. Either they break the 3 subs, or you've rezzed it for 1. Either they break it, or you find agendas faster. If they Parasite it, they didn't parasite Enigma or Spiderweb, so that's a win for you.

I like Ice Wall because it doesn't die instantly to a turn 1 or 2 Parasite (like Vanilla or Quandary) and sticks around (unlike Paper Wall).

Excalibur goes on R&D as Medium tech. Also works great against Temujin.

Stock Buy-Back is baller here. See my review of it if you want to know why.

Wish List

I'd love to add in 1-2 Fast Track, but not sure what to cut.

Some of the ice is flexible. I think the Spiderwebs could also be Changeling, Mausolus, or Meru Mati.

Also, rush decks like this typically don't need a 3rd Jackson for agenda flood, so I could cut him for Friends or something.

5 Jan 2017 MrAaronSA

Mausolus should definitely be in here. Also Chronos Project will do so much more work than Crisis Management for you.

5 Jan 2017 PureFlight

@MrAaronSA Good call - 1 or 2 Chronos Project would be killer.

5 Jan 2017 Handsome Jack

If you could magic a card in here, maybe a singleton Chief Slee that they have to get rid of?