Toys in the Attic

NetDad 797

I've been playing with AgInfusion since the promos at Worlds 2016, and I when I read that the ID skips the rez window and goes straight to encounter on the outer ice I immediately thought of Toybox. Getting one big ice rezzed on the outside of any server means the runner has to deal with it no matter where they run, even if you're out of credits.

Play tips:

You may have to hard rez the first DNA Tracker or Chiyashi. Don't worry if this bankrupts you, as you can redirect the runner back into it if they run elsewhere.

Use your ID to disrupt high impact run events (like Account Siphon and Deep Data Mining)

Toybox really only needs to rez one ice per game, maybe two if the runner is on ice destruction. You don't need to rez every Archer and Chiyashi you draw since facedown they can be used to trigger your ID. For this reason, try not to rez big ice on the inside of servers if you can avoid it.

A starting scoring remote should be two ice deep with the outer ice either rezzed or rezzable, with something punishing rezzed as the outer on another server. This lets you use your ID on the inner ice, which is critical to getting value out of your big ice.

Card choices:

This deck started as 3 Toybox 3 Archer, cuz Archer is still the nastiest thing for most decks to deal with. Most runner rigs will have trouble dealing with at least one of Archer, Chiyashi, and DNA Tracker, so get one rezzed and go to town. The rest of the ice suite is all over the place. It's mostly meant as ID Triggers and "see what works". In theory Chimera is good to rush behind early, but in practice I've never seen it happen. The 1x Braintrust is there as a ruse, feel free to put the CST back in. Don't overadvance it. Nisei MK II is amazing in this deck, as you might expect. Excalibur into Nisei still locks out some runners. The econ is all operations (unless you count Toybox and CST). I don't like Celebrity Gift in decks without traps, but if you find yourself running poor it's probably not a bad choice.

There's a Friends and Preemptive Action in place of the third Jackson. Friends helps a bit with reinstalling ice and trashed Caprices, but feel free to put back in the Jackson.

Scarcity of Resources: You need a current to at least contest Estrike and Rumor Mill. This deck functions on the principle that they can't have both up at once, as you can still score through either. Watch out for Councilman and PolOp if Estrike is up. Don't play it preemptively unless the runner is on resource spam.

Subliminal: Triggers enough to be worth the include

Cards that have been suggested: An Offer You Can't Refuse/"Clones Are Not People" - Winning from 3 agendas is nice, but I'm worried the econ can't support this

9 Jun 2017 Handsome Jack

Interesting take on AgInfusion! also, +1 for what I hope is a Cowboy Bebop reference.

9 Jun 2017 x3r0h0ur

Load up archives with 3 shocks, domes, and or honeyfarms, and rez a susanoo (in faction, and hard to deal with as a sentry). This seems like the choicest of choices!

10 Jun 2017 lp87

Another fun piece of ice to toss them into over and over again is Colossus. Not as much of an up-front punch as Archer, but if you keep putting some love into it, it can create a situation where the runner has to choose between going broke to break it, or losing his programs, resources maybe, clicks etc.