Chaos without brain (1st place Polish nationals 2014)

SeIverin 3149

31 Aug 2014 Argamas

Congrats! How many participants?

31 Aug 2014 jawohl


1 Sep 2014 apo

Dropping Demo Run makes me a little sad :).

Switching HQI for Legwork is a very good call for various reasons:

  • Stimshopping HQI, while awesome, might come too late against NEH.
  • Loosing your shop to Breaking News is less painful now.
  • Legwork is a surprise in one card, to do a surprise HQI run both HQI and Stimhack need to be in the grip and Personal Workshop on the table.

The bit I'm not sure if I get correctly is switching the second Femme for Mimic. Do you simply tutor for it against Jinteki for safe facechecks? Against NBN to not hit Caduceus unprepared and overwrite it later when MU issues arise?

Congrats on the nationals win! Good you didn't encounter any Jinteki PE kill deck... Normally I don't ever consider packing Feedback Filter into my decks, but here it would make perfect sense, I think (for the cost of a single deckslot you dismiss the only problematic archetype).

1 Sep 2014 SeIverin

I also liked demolition run, but neh has much faster draw than twiy and its very important to scan hq for astros in 3/4 turn.

I switched 1 ff for mimic because i dont have always 6 more credits for mimi. And neh is playing mostly on rototurrets with only 1 grim. And jinteki is playing komainu or tsurugi. I have enough tutors to switch later mimic for ff if neccesary.

Feedback filter is useless vs most of decks. 1 Levy lab is better since i put same old things. I dont use any defense cards because i targeted to win with fa and glacier decks and it was worth.

1 Sep 2014 apo

Got it.

But what would Levy do for you here, except for giving a slight edge over PE? Not much I feel, by that time all you need is on the table. Can't imagine paying 5 just to reset Legworks.

Obviously you did a great meta call not wasting the slot, but if you suspected to encounter some PE wouldn't Feedback Filter work in fact better then Levy in this build?

1 Sep 2014 SeIverin

I'm not dying to pe because of too much damage in single run. I'm running only with multi access after diesel/quality time. I'm dying beacuse my deck is too short and i'm out of cards around 6 AP. With levy i can just restore it. And still levy has some minor use in other matchups. And feedback filter is too expensive even with a lot of 4xMO turns.

2 Sep 2014 Yoshi

I imaginge you would not Stimhack much against PE, generally those decks are low on ICE, so Stimhack is less needed for deep server hacking?

2 Sep 2014 chill84

The PE matchup is a complete joke, you don't need to tech against it with this deck at all.

2 Sep 2014 SeIverin

Of course vs PE stimhack only in extreme situations. Vs Weyalnd it's safe to play 1.

10 Sep 2014 blackjazz

No Deus Ex :o

12 Sep 2014 raouldukelives

How were you not stay broke this whole game? I just played this deck on Octgn and I was soo broke. Didn't realize there was no Sure Gamble. MoOpus didnt show up until so late

12 Sep 2014 jawZ

This deck is very reckless ... I like that. But I got some questions: Why Maker's Eye on top of RDI? Why the the extra Corroder and Gordian? Do you go for Opus asap with Draw/TR/SMC pretty much neglecting everything else untils this happens (surely kind of fast though)?

12 Sep 2014 SeIverin

On starting hand need to be opus or tutor for it. Or at least quality time. With 40 cards there are no possibility for bad start with mulligan.

29 Oct 2014 lpoulter

HI why the two corroder would you not consider a paraite instead? Have you made an any additions to the deck since the nats?