Swim With The Fishes

Handsome Jack 1635

Pretty successful BABW deck. Gameplan is to either score 3 pointers and a Hostile, or Punitive them to oblivion.


SSL is great Punitive fodder, GFI is lower-risk, and Hostile gives a quick injection of cash.


NGO Front is just mean, especially when you can drag them through an Archer or Tithonium.


Bryan for the bux, Red Herrings is a solid taxer. 2 on a server is brutal, and will help create a credit gap for punitive if the race is kind of close.


$$$$. Lots of currents to turn on News Hound, one of the bes ICE in the game. Death and Taxes is solid and Paywall is always reliable. People usually forget Snatch and Grab exists, so its good when you need to snipe a Film Critic or an Aesop. Punitive is my favorite wincon in the game, and Consulting fetches when you only have one.


An eclectic mix of rushers and taxers, Tithonium is serviceable, News Hound is g r e a t, and the rest is just standard gravy.

This deck is a blast to play, allowing for both a kill and a score strat. Have fun, and make those runners swim with the fishes!