Taking notes is for cowards.

mo0man 605

Q-Loop is very cool. If you're really good, or really smart, or take notes, you use the secondary ability safely, using Arisanna and Lilypad to manipulate the top card after having seen the top two.

Alternatively, you can just pay the credit all the time, just rolling the dice over and over cause your memory is shit. If you have no simulchips and no SMC's and the corp feels confident enough to fast advance, that's the time you pay your credit and hope the clot is on top, completely forgetting it was actually in the bin the whole time.

Anyway, I got 2nd place at the Toronto PATH CO.

27 Feb 2024 Baxder

Congrats on the placement - you give me and my also shit memory hope!

How's Aeneas? I'd be tempted to swap her for a couple Career Fairs and a Bahia. CF is great for the early ET/UAV.

27 Feb 2024 m.p