(L14) Built to (Go) Fast

mcg 1062

Inspiration for this one goes to Andrej from Metropole Grid and another anonymous Slack conversation. All your ice ends the run and is fairly cheap, so that you can hopefully rush out some early points. And from there you use Trick of Light and/or Audacity to cheat out whatever else you need.

Wall to Wall not only deputises for Rashida Jaheem but also lets you make Masvingos and Ice Walls a pain to deal with. Magnets there to soak up some of the Botulus (or the occasional Egret). You know Spin Doctor is a great card already but did you notice it makes Audacity a lot better too?

The deck only dropped one game, against @ArminFirecracker's hyper-efficient Null: Whistleblower list, but even then it was only two clicks from winning. I think it's pretty good, and a lot more fun than anything involving Red Planet Couriers. Another great Lockdown tournament. Thanks to @Vesper and the gang.

27 Apr 2021 ilksvorbern

How have you found Ballista?

28 Apr 2021 mcg

@ilksvorbern - Often with a Botulus on it! Though I suppose that saves it being elsewhere. And it's better than Guard (faint praise).

30 Apr 2021 ArminFirecracker

yes, It was a pretty exciting game mcg!

There is actually the replay: www.jinteki.net

4 May 2021 RickRageLa

will try to run this, i am excite