Eventive v.1a

Pinkwarrior 2351

Event based Shaper deck, not much to say really on this it's relatively straight forward. A few tricks to get in and get those accesses.

So why Ayla? I love her shes a 41 card deck that can be bigger if needed I probably use her differently to most, where possible i try to put cards I don't want on her ID either this match up or early on Harmony AR Therapy is great to get on their IMO.

Inversificator really puts work in causing the corp to constantly keep rezing their ICE whilst also allowing you to shift the hard to break stuff where your not going.

Pelangi enables you to run early and pick the right breaker for the job or just abuse Inversificator.

K2CP Turbine a replacement for Takobi which was the originally in the list dose it's job quite well.

Test Run doubles up as search and program retrieval.

Spark of Inspiration nice little program search that dose the job when draw fails.

Docklands Pass & Conduit long term strong multi access cards.

Steelskin Scarring useful draw that can save lives in the original version of this deck i had I've Had Worse x1 and it won me so many games from corps thinking they could kill me.

VRcation good draw when used right over drawing 4 cards and dumping can be what puts you back in the game from a poor hand.