Revolving Door Politics (Post Rotation IG)

Grimwalker 639


Politicians are notorious for going out the door of Congress and going right back in as industry lobbyists, and that's exactly what you do in this deck. Your valuable legitimate experience takes every bill that comes in the door and revolves it right onto the board to be lobbied into passage by our friends from Haas-Bioroid or Martian job creators.

Persistent obstructionists getting you down? Worry not; in this new era of bipartisan cooperation between formerly hostile adversaries, you can hold clandestine, deniable meetings with notorious rival corporations after hours, and when your day begins the next morning, they’ll never be the wiser.

As a card carrying member of the One Percent, you can freely use money to make money. When the markets open for the day, you can invest responsibly, reinvest gains, and guiltlessly take profits at the closing bell.

Of course in all of this, the last thing you want is for your tax returns to be made public. Unfortunately our records department is closed for renovation and currently not accessible. Some of the staff have regrettably misread our retention policy and archived materials earlier than intended. Not to worry though; the public has a short memory and any troublesome regulation won't be a problem once our prior scandals have passed into history.

I played this deck against CodeMarvelous and Sanjay on 6/20 Codebusting stream with a couple of substitutions for unimplemented cards from the last 3 packs of Red Sand. Game starts about 12:35.

17 Jun 2017 Voron

IG without Bio-Ethics? I love it already! <3

17 Jun 2017 Grimwalker

you'd be amazed how many people rage quit just because they expect it.

18 Jun 2017 Ebrey

Shipment from Tennin is not great in a deck with so many assets. Even if archives is full and the runner isn't trashing stuff, Crim will still be running for Sec Testing and Whiz will be running to trigger Maw.

18 Jun 2017 Grimwalker

Generally speaking you're right, and it will be a less useful card in some matchups. At least it's built for a post-Whizzard world, but Alice Merchant will do much the same.

21 Jun 2017 Grimwalker

Shout out to @Codemarvelous and @Sanjay for the great game!

21 Jun 2017 Grimwalker

Also, Chiyashi is gone in favor of 1 Cobra.