Overweight Date - 25th at Worlds - 6-2

Heartthrob 2486

My Whizzard performed very well at Worlds, going 6-2 against top competition throughout the day. I finished on the bubble at 11-5 because Fastro went 5-3. Ended in 25th place overall. The Whizz I played had no problems with FoodCoats, going 4-0 against it. Lost to Lucas Li's NEH in a tight game and to Chris Hinke's IG where I thought i was in control after 5+ siphons (he neural'd and missed the IHW for the awesome hail mary kill).

Had some great games and Worlds was a blast. Can't wait for next year...

This build is Anatomy of an Anarch archetype Whizz that pressures everywhere. The reason Whizz did well against FoodCoats/other ETF builds is that his ability really comes in handy on the Medium digs and the singleton HQ accesses. You can pressure from the get go and they can't bluff in their remote as well because you can get to the bottom of the server and still get your Desperado credit, draw and trash if it isn't an agenda.

You have to run with your pants on fire with this deck. 3 IHWs, 1 Plascrete and 1 Utopia are more than enough to deal with Butchers as long as you keep pressing hard.

Changes I would make to the deck:

Take out Archives Interface (was in there to eliminate TS targets and CVS so that I could run archives for 1 credit, 1 draw and a sucker) Add 1 DLR (just another way to annoy the corp and possibly close out a game when R&D finally gets locked up late)

11 Nov 2015 coyotemoon722

Man that Knight is old school as heck! How do you deal with Turing over HQ and/or R&D?

11 Nov 2015 Heartthrob

Old school is right, it felt very much like Ole Ser Gabe from a couple years ago. As for Turing over HQ, none of the 4 FoodCoats I played against wanted to waste one on HQ. In testing @Akanderson would install Turing on HQ to stop a siphon, but a parasite makes short work of that great piece of remote ice.