Are Gus Stock Scorch

Lttlefoot 1286

Standard sea scorch deck. Use stock buyback and/or your agendas to get lots of credits. Use your id, prisec, and ice to slow the runner down. Use localized product line to find your scorches, and use subcontract or shattered remains to help you deal with protection.

29 Aug 2016 FarCryFromHuman

Midseason Replacements seems like a better plan than SEA Source, especially since you are going to be hemorrhaging agendas anyway. Maybe 1x SEA Source and 1x Midseason Replacements and some Consulting Visits?

Lotus Field is really strong right now, I like that include. You might consider Guard over Errand Boy with the rise in criminal activity... stops Inside Job cold.

29 Aug 2016 Pinkwarrior

@Lttlefoot have you thought about using False Lead's to help stick tags from a Prisec hit or agenda access. You could also swap in a Hard-Hitting News as another way to land the tags then also.