Annexing SanSan v1.0

ThndrJudge 20

Private Memo

For Your Eyes Only


Am I the only one who is finding it a little sad that NBN is the only corporation with the production to quickly hammer out their goals? If SanSan city is so efficient at completing it's objectives, why aren't we the ones running it here at the Weyland Consortium. I believe it's time for some changes in who controls the media.

You are hereby authorized and ordered to perform a hostile takeover of the SanSan City Grid by any means necessary and to operate it as a subsidiary of Titan Transnational. Do not worry about the negative spin that is inevitably going to be placed on our actions by the outgoing management of NBN. Once SanSan is ours the rest of the company will follow suit shortly after. Then, we can make whatever publicity we want.

I expect results by the end of the quarter.

Do not disappoint me.



With the introduction of Titan Transnational in the most recent Order & Chaos box set, I discovered that chaining Project Atlas into itself and then into a Hostile Takeover was a quick and dirty was to accumulate your 7 agenda points. A 3/2 that finds your next 3/2 without spending a click? If only I had the ability to score it out hand...

This ladies and gentleman is where the deck came into being.

I am still in the rough draft and testing phase of the deck, and it might well be that Weyland falls flat on it's face when trying to fast advance into a win, but I'll be damned if it isn't worth a shot.

I welcome any and all feedback in refining this list, I'm hoping to get it up to snuff in time for my LGS Store Championship at the end of March.

I am still fairly new to the game of Netrunner (less than a month playing regularly) and this is my first time posting to the site.

14 Feb 2015 BeNNyBiLL

I think you've probably fallen into the trap of thinking that SanSan City Grid applies a single advancement counter to an agenda. In fact the card only reduces the advancement requirement of an agenda, as such scoring Project Atlas from hand will result in no agenda counters being placed on the scored Project Atlas, even with a single Biotic Labor card (as the advancement tokens on that card would never exceed 3).

14 Feb 2015 BeNNyBiLL

OK, I didn't read the ID. Please ignore