An Exploration of Throwback Format: When it Drips, it Pours!

Baa Ram Wu 2202

I'm going to be posting a decklist a day looking at the interesting side of Throwback Format deckbuilding.

What is Throwback Format?? Simply put it's Standard but you can add 1 full playset of a rotated card OR play with a rotated ID - Eric aka Whiteblade is running a Charity Tournament on the 5th using this tournament! More info here -

Now please feel free to stick 3x Account siphon into your reg 419 or Caprice Nisei into your Jinteki Glacier but if you could just wake me up afterwards from the coma inducing slumber you have put me in due to your unimaginitve deckbuilding!!

Instead let me try to inspire you with some slightly more off the wall choices!

Todays choice is:

When it Drips it Pours!

Throwback Card: Underworld Contact (a.k.a. Mr Phones)

A somewhat beloved card - more for it's incredible art style than its deck use though! However Sunny players lamented it's rotation and claimed Sunny to be potentially dead without it - then Nisei released Rezeki - Turns out they knew what they were doing!

So why not include both?

The late game engine here ends up dripping for around 10 credits which gives brutal inevitability!

The draw engine here is very efficient with Gachapons, Office supplies, Hotels and DreamNet moving you quickly from mid to late game.

Turtle, Boomerang and Nexus is all the ice breaking rig you will need for 90% of your game with one of each breaker as back ups.

TTW is your win con - Use it along side White hat to scoop up any agendas building up in HQ.

White hat is crazy strong, will help you against rush and FA combo decks and you should never play less than 3 in Sunny (imo)

No one home is a flexible tech slot - Good for getting through Anansi's with Nexus or laughing all the way to the bank against Midseasons Replacements decks! A good alternative option would be a Pol Op if you are worried about Caprice Nisei decks!

17 Nov 2020 Cpt_nice

Looks familiar ;) No One Home will also be very important in this specific format to deal with Breaking News!

17 Nov 2020 Baa Ram Wu

@cpt nice - hehe! I nearly name dropped you here and probably should have - I haven’t checked but I’m sure this is very close to your worlds deck!

And after all you are ‘The’ Sunny player in everyone’s minds!

18 Nov 2020 Diogene

Excellent Sunny deck (kudos to you and Cpt_Nice). With this, Sunny become extremely competitive.

With such amazing drip, do you think Caldera could also be considered, instead of No One Home.


18 Nov 2020 gilesdavis

@Diogene I think 2x NOH is pretty key, moreso to tech for Breaking News over net damage. Finding an inf for a Caldera also could definitely be a wise move too though.

19 Nov 2020 Baa Ram Wu

@Diogene - Giles has it spot on here - t No One Home has double duty here working against Tags as well as net damage - In a Format with Breaking News and Midseasons that Tag avoidance tech could be crucial!

19 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Baa Ram Wu and @gilesdavis. I understand now. I keep forgetting the format. With all those card rotated, there were a few powerful one that you need to be watchful for. Thanks for the advices.