Lodsemoney v10

Steamwood 313

While you might only need enough credits to win a game of Netrunner, with this deck you will have the cash to do just about anything you want. This version of the deck lacks any kill potential, but I have debated putting a Contract Killer or other meat damage in to win faster. As it stands now, this deck's win condition is to get enough cash to be able to rez anything you draw and make runs prohibitively expensive for the runner through advanced barriers and various other strong ICE. As such, you will want to be very careful against Quetzal, but other runners will struggle against multiple advanced Walls. Also, Ed Kim will destroy your econ, so be wary!

The Clearance cards help with card draw and are very efficient in base Weyland. GRNDL Refinery is there to either bait a runner into a costly run or simply get you very wealthy while waiting to get an agenda in the scoring server. The agendas are mostly focused on getting very rich, and the Hostile Takeovers make great Archer fodder.

As an advanced iteration of the first Corp deck I ever made, this is a simple deck, but I believe it does its job very well. It's fun to see 20 in your bank, especially when they run on a Hadrian and a Tollbooth.