I shouldn't ask Swiftie for Tour Guides now he brought Laamb

MrEhjiwurth 1647

"I stayed awake on the train this time just so I could see what your playing." - Rotage

"I discarded a Sure Gamble because all it did was waste a click" - A disheartened Criminal drowning in Student debts

"I can't believe this is the second regional cut you've made with Student Loans in your deck." - Awestruck Swiftie

"Your BAD! TERRIBLE! OH GOD WHY!? HOW DO YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!? You Dirty Boi..." - An cut up amalgamation of kind-hearted compliments throughout the day. The last one was definitely Steff though repeated many times in the cut.

Oh come on. You thought I would be above playing a dirty boi's deck for dirty bois?...Okay I thought I was too but god it's soooo much fun! I seriously think Swiftie is slowly converting me into his weird cult of Weyland based asset spam and Taylor Swift associated nonsense. It's weird it's like having a more nerdy symbiote who can't help but meme me every chance he gets. After Aldershot where I just barely skimmed out of the cut by SoS I decided to be a bit more....how can I put it nicely...Ah yes. Spiteful as possible to all these meanies with their bottle throwing Anarchs ruining my perfectly manicured Corp Hands. I played against a similar deck to this and thought I'd give it a try to add my own spice which taste testers have akinned to satanic. This deck was undefeated mainly because I murdered all the people and therefore removed said feet so my feet were safe. And no that doesn't mean I was playing Housekeeping sadly.

How the Deck Works? - Score Agendas!? Oh sweet little beebee Corp here at Gagarin we do not Score Agendas. They make us lots of money with Drudge Work's and shuffle them back in big heavy and handsome RnD. Like a great big Russian bear and like one the only thing we're Russian is the Runner's life expectancy. The game is very simple. Get more money than the Runner, Tag them up and then Splat. Splat them across our Deep Space Station and wipe them off with the wipers. It's a standard economy for asset spam with Commercial Bankers Group, PAD Campaign, Turtlebacks. Ton's of tutor to get them out with Executive Boot Camp (Also a really nice Indexing buffer to stop rude Runners) and Tech Startup along with Museum of History to get them all back after the Runner decides to be a big brave silly billy and try to contest.

OMG LEMME TELL YOU WHY STUDENT LOANS IS SO GOOOOOOD - Ahem. Sorry I get a little excited when I mention Student Loans because it's so Goo- FUNNY AS HELL TO PLAY. Alright I admit it's not the strongest card but this seriously trips up so many players. In a meta where events are even more prominent and economy is a bit more fair this card can cripple so many tactics. Maxx players who mill their events will find themselves a bit buggered when they pay 2 or 4 or even 6 credits for a Stimhack, 5 for a Hactivist Meeting and so on and so forth. It's expensive to trash in Gagarin so if they knock them down you can remind them that the only thing they need to study is paaaaaaain! It's a tempo hit and in this game that tempo can really swing it into a kill.

Plays of the Day

  1. Turn One against a Maxx they milled a Sure Gamble so I rezzed a Student Loans. Then they licked for a credit, played Liberated Accounts so in response I rezzed Malia Z0L0K4. By the end of the turn they had no credits. I felt proud. :)

  2. I Museum of History'd a Student Loans in the winners final because it was funny and then mandatory drew into it and rezzed leaving Filip is despair. (He's still a cool dude)

  3. The one Swiftie said was especially rude. I played against a Geist with a Fall Guy installed and a Off Campus Apartment filled with varying connections. At the end of his turn I rezzed Malia Z0L0K4, blanked his Fall Guy. Then on my turn I rezzed Elizabeth Mills and trashed his stacked Off Campus Apartment. leaving him with the sad choice of paying 7 to Levy because Student Loans.

My very first regional victory with a deck I honestly thought wasn't as good as it turned out to be. Hope you enjoyed another chronicle of my rambling maniacal madness and I'll see you lucky folks at Nationals!