Draw & Scaw: The Impenetrable R&D

Lttlefoot 1286

This is a weird deck where the only server you need to protect is r&d. Get the effect of mandatory upgrades (probably by letting the runner steal it and then playing media blitz) and then as soon as you draw any agenda you can install it and score it in the same turn - they are all 3/2s. Don't use the click to draw action after you play media blitz or agendas could get stuck in a bad spot, just click for credits which will help you with those big ices and advancement counters for your agendas. DTT and brain taping are there to help your economy, CVS prevents Clot, and Jackson Howard keeps HQ free of agendas while you are setting up. The ID and the ICE keep the runner out of r&d so they can't steal any agendas (otherwise you will lose your media blitz) and also gives a safe place for your upgrades to live.

19 Jun 2016 Zakalwe

How does this deck handle Account Siphon recursion?

19 Jun 2016 esutter479

On top of Siphons, how do you guarantee Upgrades without 3 of them in the deck? I'd take out a Beta Test and a Vitruvius to make that combo happen.

19 Jun 2016 FarCryFromHuman

I agree with @esutter479, and in addition Team Sponsorship is good on its own, and is great when Clot recursion is keeping you down.

19 Jun 2016 Lttlefoot

The three Fast Track tutor for Mandatory Upgrades. You don't want to draw one later in the game because you won't be able to score it.