Temple RP (1st Place Brooklyn Strategist SC)

internet 806

15 Feb 2016 rojazu

This deck is illegal unless it goes up to 50 cards

15 Feb 2016 Orion

@Rogedavi are you thinking of Museum of History? Mumba Temple doesn't cost influence because there's only 15 Ice in this deck.

15 Feb 2016 internet

How is it illegal at 49 cards?

15 Feb 2016 rojazu

Yes you are right... I have been playing museums all week. They are great in jinteki control decks too

15 Feb 2016 Saan

I almost like 2x Food 2x TFP in decks like this, since it increases the chance that the runner needs to score 4 agendas rather than 3. It's less agendas that strait up protect themselves, but that might be okay. The extra influence could come out of the DBS, and the card slot from DBS could be a second Batty, maybe. I can see the reason for the DBS, though, especially in an ICE-light deck.

Something I have to wonder, though, is does RP really need more money than it needs more ICE? Mumba's probably super sick on the money it saves, but RP is usually fairly rich anyhow. It's possible that just having 3 more ICE (or 2 ICE and a Batty) would be a bit better than using the cool new toy that is Temple. I'm honestly not sure, though. Just throwing the thought out there.

15 Feb 2016 kerrk

what ice do you like over your scoring remote? 1 toll 1 Ashigaru 1 lotus 1 assasin?

15 Feb 2016 internet

@Saan - influence is already tight, so I don't think an extra GFI over TFP is great. DBS is too helpful in keeping the deck flowing to ever cut.

I don't disagree that non-Temple RP is probably better; this is as much an experiment in "fewer power ice vs. more midrange ice" than a shot at tier 1. I've generally been happy with it - it can set up impressive servers without going broke - but standard 17-18 ice RP is likely more consistent.

@kerrk Depends on the game state. Ashigaru with Caprice is very strong; against Faust and Lady, it only gives the runner one shot at accessing. Ideally, you'll be set up quickly enough economically - or the runner broke enough from trashing your asset spam - that a single power ice and Caprice is enough to get the first Nisei Mk II out.

15 Feb 2016 kerrk

Whats up with the batty in the deck? All i see is using it with Assassin but even then it only initiates a trace which the runner can attempt to beat.

15 Feb 2016 Tr33beard

@kerrk You can use it to force another Psi game in order to access if they manage to beat Caprice. You just copy an End the Run off your own Ice. Less trappy blow out and more just shoring up your scoring remote.