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Anzekay 387

Just putting my fairly-average Az deck up for posterity's sake.

Took this to my local 13-person Store Championship on 30/3/19, and went 2-2. I'm definitely super rusty when it comes to competitive, and standard, play at the moment and made some considerable play errors, especially one that likely cost me one of the games I lost. Kinda the result of only doing playtest games for the past 4 months I suppose!

The deck is essentially a goodstuff crim list with the Masterwork(v37) package for draw and clickless installs. To be honest, I think Az isn't brilliant in the Downfall meta but will only get better with time, and I mostly played him because I wanted to bring new IDs on the day!

Cutting Caldera was a mistake, for certain, and lost me a game vs a grinder RP deck- I'd probably an Embezzle or a PAD Tap for it. Cyberfeeder proved to be pretty damn useful, acting as a psuedo Prepaid Voicepad given the Az discount and the deck wanting to be aggressively running as much as possible. The Embezzles were invaluable, allowing me to beat a Titan and slow down a game against an Asa with biotics.

I'm not sure if it was my rough play on the day, but I only installed RDIs in one game (which I did win), pitching them as they were too expensive for me to drop in all three other games (or losing them to damage).

Sports Hopper is amazing with Masterwork and Az, effectively giving you Geist-level value for 1c cheaper than Mr no-buttons would get. Beth was consistently worth the splash, and 2x Class Act is 100% the right choice. Flip Switch is continuing to be my favourite card in the set, getting me through Surveyors or bouncing off Anansis without taking damage.

I'll probably continue to refine this archetype over time, as I think it's got a good bit of potential.

31 Mar 2019 Cpt_nice

How was Direct Access for you?

2 Apr 2019 Anzekay

@Cpt_niceI only played it once, vs RP, but it was mostly there as some MTI or ACME insurance. Ended up not needing it really, but I am not sure I'd cut it unless I was 100% certain MTI wasn't going to be around much at a tournament.