Amalgomated Evil

Blokcubed 8

So all the bad pub you can get and then use the IRS to make them poor. When it works is so much fun to watch.

18 Nov 2015 Saan

Bad news: IRS just eats the bad pub credits they get for running, so all it does is make them play regular Netrunner.

18 Nov 2015 iceqs

@Saan and it's a freakin' 2 strg Code Gate. I mean wow?

18 Nov 2015 Blokcubed

I generally stack a pair of IRS on one server and at that point it begins to cost. The other one is used to get rid of the bad pub. You would only really ever have one permanent remote. So Ice up RD and your scoring remote and let the IRS work. Unless they are running Yog or Sunny's new breaker its fun to watch.

Plus there is the ftw factor when they see you rez an IRS. The deck can work but I admit is more for fun than any serious deck.