RUG Control 2.0

Diegofsv 1368

This is really close to my final version, I guess. A Central Assault deck, the idea is to forget about the early game and fastly build up to end game. Your rig is extremly cheap, all your resources are free and logos provides you with the answers that you might need for each game. Here is the card selection:


Quality Time and Diesel = Both cards are your drawing machine. Your central assault rig is cheap enough but you need to get the cards as soon as possible.


Data Leak Reversal = An awesome card that works as a R&D multiaccess. Using it together with Fall Guy And Account Siphon is so strong that can almost guarentee a victory. Just remember to keep Jackson Howard dead.


Plascrete Carapace = You won't be caring much about tags over here....this will be your life guard.


Express Delivery = This almost works like a Scry card. Its awesome to get what you really need

Logos = Should be installed as fast as you can so you can look for important cards when the corp starts scoring

Emergency Shutdown, Forged Activation Order and Running interference = Basically a ICE control card, specially useful for remote attacks when needed or credit control.

Fall Guy = A "counterspell" to save your DLR or an emeregency 2 credit when needed (never used that way)

Security Testing = This card is just too good. Got a Closed Accounts? This card and Iain ability put you in your feet in a single click.

Unregistered S&W '35 = Caprice Nicei? DEAD. Jackson Howard? DEAD. Chairman Hiro? DEAD too.

Account Siphon = Do I really need to talk about it?

Data Dealer = Sometimes you just need that push to get a more valuable agenda. And sometimes you just hate too much Shi.Kyu.

Femme Fatale = The answer to the very few ICEs that can make every single run a pain (I'm looking at you, Tollbooth).


The whole suite is intended as easily access central servers. Crypsis is there only for emergency remote runs.

Gameplay Style

You should start the game making money and buying cards....Logos first round is something you should always look for. Make some facechecks after installing Alias so you won't get a freaking komainu in your face and keep buying and building your RIG. Praise the lord if you get yourself a Shy.Kyu and take your will start loosing the game so calm down and do not get ahead of yourself. Sooner than you think, your full RIG is ready and you can AS the shit out of the corp. DLR and HQ interface FTW.

individual tips:

Weyland Decks = You know right? Yeah, freaking Scorched Earth, so get your plascretes ready. Multiple HQ runs is the way to go, keep pushing, do not let this guys rich. Sooner or later one of your programs will be trashed, so get ready to play the long game and even use your crypsis. Lucky for you, the long game is what you are seeking.

NBN = They will play it fast, so get your rig ready as fast as possible. A logos in your opening hand is a good thing. Closed accounts is not as bad as it seems since you can recover from it quickly. They can get poor fast too, so keep'em that way. HQ is the best server to be attacked. DLR crushes NBN like no other corp.

Jinteki = Net damage is a chore but you will, most of the times, stay with lots of cards on your hand. Get Alias fast, and if they got to second level ICEs, beware of these nasty Code Gates. Harmony medtech is your worst enemy now. Not only there is the fear of flatline, but the damn deck is faster than lightning, specially if they are using the 6 agendas version, so prepare to forget about control and push them. The thing is, if you manage to fastly build your rig (like you should), everything will be cheap in central server and you can win this. And shot that bitch caprice down for god's sake

H&B = They can be fast too, but most of the time they will play the long game. Running Interference is a great tool, specially to get theses advertisings down for good. Controling their credits is hard, but their ICE is expensive, so use Emergency Shutdowns and Forged Activation at your favor. HQ is always with some agendas, since most players use Biotic Labor. Beware the big ICEs deck.

I'm having a good amount of suceess with this deck. I think it has potential. I just love this ID and I hope it to find a deck thats tournament playable and I'm feeling I'm getting there.