Untrashable v2

db0 2895

This deck is built on the idea that running any single remote against Jinteki:RP is going to be more expensive, and then makes your assets and upgrades even more costly to trash with Encryption Protocols.

Eventually you want a good pile of money plus Ash + Hokusai Combo with some Encryption Protocols on the side. Effectively you would force the runner to have to waste 3 clicks, take 2 damage and spend a good pile of credits just to take a look at a remote once. Then you recur your Ash with Howards or Interns.

Sundew is the star of this deck. Protect it early with a Chimera or leave it unprotected if the runner does not trash assets and it can proivide a truckload of money over the course of the game.

26 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

When I saw this I clicked on it immediately, since I love the idea of RP decks, and your last one was quite good. I used a similar build before watching your video. I've been excited for sundew in this combo. I'm definitely going to give this a go.

No profiteering? I know the bad pub works against the trashable assets, but even a boost of 5 credits then clearing it with clone retirement would be a good thing to have. Also...why no clone retirement?

Will shock go into this deck when it comes out? I think it has to so you can dump the shocks in the trash and not even defend it. Throw in punitive counter-strike and you're in PE flatlining land :P

26 Dec 2013 Kable

Sundew is definitely THE economy engine for this ID and very specific deck. At the first look, I really didn't like this deck, and there stll are some aspects I don't like. The good thing about this, is that IF it starts working, there are just too many relevant objectives to hit to stop you, and that they are so expensive that hitting them is such a slow operation that it can absorb more runner econ than he could possibly produce. Nevertheless, there are big flaws, One is certainly the big agendas you've chosen, if related to the poor ICE you have. Easily, your Wall of Thorns and Katana/Shadow will go on your centrals: they are expensive to pass, but because you have 2 walls, the real problem is not how strong your defense is, but how much the runner is willing to pay: the third central will always be much more porous than the other 2, and since you have to keep many assets rezzed to make your strategy work, he's willing to pay much, since he can clearly understand what is an agenda and what is not; that's because you have no Trick of Light, and cannot therefore advance the biggest agendas in one turn. You should remove closed accounts, IMHO, and increase your ICE number, and maybe even reduce by 1 Contracts and PAD for the same reason, or to include ToL.

26 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

I think in a nutshell what you're saying is that as the runner, there is no reason to not run a double advanced installed card, so there is no means to score a 3 pointer. This is true the second or 3rd time when the runner realizes they see no junebugs/CO/AggSec Also there is no battery for ToL, so even that won't help. Ronin doesn't count because they might just trash it (even though its costly).

I think mushin no shin would help, you could drop an encryption protocol or a snare with 3 advancement counters on it and use that as a trick of light battery, if you wanted to go that way with it. Thats a long ways into the future though, and I think I get why db went with the big agendas, most likely a quick score behind a big ice on a remote, or just deck space.

One thing I've been working into my RP deck is heavy program trash. If you can remove the breakers, then to attack the remotes at all, or even hammer away at your centrals, the runners must subject themselves to your subroutines, which should all be painful. 1 painful ice on each central would be enough, if the runner had no breakers. To this end, Corporate troubleshooter, archer, grim, and rototurret are all nice to haves.

26 Dec 2013 PeekaySK

So, what's your plan to avoid dying to RnD dig horribly? You do have snares and (potentially recurrable) Hokusais, but that just won't do, most of the time.

No profiteering? I know the bad pub works against the trashable assets, but even a boost of 5 credits then clearing it with clone retirement would be a good thing to have. Also...why no clone retirement?

My guess would be "because these things increase the deck's vulnerability to variance pretty badly". Clone Retirement in particular is extremely swingy (if you get it, great... if they get it, you're screwed), and relying on you getting it while deckbuilding is a bad idea in general.

Also, you never want a single bad pub in a deck with trashable assets/upgrades. Especially not Jinteki, since they don't have ice taxing enough to compensate.

26 Dec 2013 skydivingninja

I've made a deck very similar to this but haven't published it yet because I'm still tweaking the number of Ice and Agenda choices. How does the deck run with only 12 Ice?

26 Dec 2013 db0

R&D lock is not a huge problem if I wise up to it early enough. If I know R&D is the main target, I simply start recurring my Ashes + Hokusais over there and waste their econ when trying to get in. When they're poor, I try to score in remotes.

Yeah, Clone retirement and Bad pub is a big no-no in this deck. Even one can make my asset economy very vulnerable. Having 3 of them is pretty much defeating the whole deck outright.

The big agenda is simply there to reduce my agenda count. This deck is already very tight on cards and losing more for some agendas can be a big problem. Also 3 pointers are brilliant if you happen to hold them when the runner just got poor trying to trash a ronin or get into an R&D dig. It allows me to keep pressure with my remotes which is where I want it.

26 Dec 2013 db0

The closed accounts are strictly there for the Tag-Me runners. It's a big problem if the runner can simply get rich with account siphons and start trashing all my assets, before I manage to score a PSF. Closed Accounts works more often than you'd think and also combos with Shadow's tracing sometimes ;)

31 Dec 2013 wilk

I like the idea very much, but I'm not entirely sold on the tagging theme here. Sure, you can tag with Shadows and Snares, and I agree that Closed Accounts can be extremely useful for this deck, but is the tagging mechanism efficient enough to warrant PSF, when Nisei MK should fit this deck's strategy a lot better? I will toy with this deck, maybe dropping the Shadows (which, BTW, can be batteries for ToL) and Closed Accounts altogether and introducing some Rototurrets and other things. ;)

1 Jan 2014 db0

Sure, give it a try. The main reason for the shadows is for an early taxing ICE that always punishes a runner that just wants to bounce of it, and I can even increase its strength to mess with Atmans and Fixed Str. Breakers. Also 2 credits per run is not bad :)

PSF and Closed Accounts are really there because of how popular and strong tag-me runners can be. If they get onto the fact that you don't have any tag punishment, they're just going to get rich off of your weakly-defended HQ and then simply trash everything you have. A PSF can quickly turn the tables on a runner who is expecting to hold on to all tags for the money. So in your tests, make sure you go against such decks as well ;)

1 Jan 2014 db0

I did a modification and removed the 1x PSF, 1x Executive Retreat and 1x Gila for 3x Nisei. I'm not sure that's the cause but managed to win 4/5 games I played with this deck today. Of course, this time I didn't go up against people running Whizzard, Scrubber and Paricia :)

3 Jan 2014 BazooKaJoe

Fun deck db0. Played against you today, SUPER annoying!