The IMC Dynamic Testing Facility

PiroARat 70

Loading scenario 127 in Dynamic Simulation Dome 314.

Welcome to the IMC Dynamic Testing Facility, a ARES Division subsidiary.

This is my Jemison kill deck, based heavily on xccam's Per Urtica, which lost a lot of its mojo (sadly) with the pre-emptive banning of Tithonium. It's still a whole lot of fun, though, and consistently kills runners a turn earlier than they expect.

A couple of notes:

  • What's lost with Tithonium can be (partially) covered by new friend Angelique, Data Loop, and (a very lesser extent) Mavirus. This deck has a lot of deadly splits and you can turn R&D into one with just a few of these. Data Loop forces Conduit-havers to pace themselves.

  • Angelique and Urtica do a very good Snare! impression together.

  • Broad Daylight does a ton of work too; it keeps the runners honest, and wastes their clicks on drawing back up to a safe distance lest you threaten a smaller Clearinghouse.

  • Most of the time you're building up a Clearinghouse, or threatening to do one at the end of turn. Having one scored agenda is a threat; if you can somehow keep a second in your score area you can threaten 5-6 counters on an unrezzed Clearinghouse, or an Urtica that they will probably walk into by guessing wrong.

  • There's a LOT of good resources right now, Corporate Town and especially Sadaka are great at destroying those (and even if you don't need to pop one with Sadaka, the first sub does a great impression of Gatekeeper).

  • I don't play Quarantine System anymore because (almost) every piece of ICE is a brutal face check and you want the runner to take risks. Corporate Town, Oberth, Archer, and False Lead are generally enough forfeit targets.

  • The second Mavirus is kind of a floating slot right now; I've tried a third Angelique and a Thimblerig and they all seem to have their own merits. Sometimes a Mavirus at the wrong time can really slow a runner down.

Generally, your ideal starting hand is the usual two ICE pieces + econ, with a Hostile scored out of hand on turn two. From there keeping your centrals extra punishing and expensive to get into, and start trading agendas up.

That's it! I find it really fun but be warned, this deck will get you BMed on quite a bit.