Leela Patele - 1st @ Turin SC 27/1/2018

Berzelius 301

This is the deck I brought to the Turin Store Championship (27/1/2018). MWL 2.0 and rotation were enforced. The last legal pack was TD/Revised Core.

I've been playing variarions of this deck since the relase of Gang Sign, the plan was simple: building the "leela lock" with Gang Sign and HQ Interface, threathening to steal agendas in HQ every time the corp scores. Since then, a lot has changed, but the relase of Maw, Aumakua and the rotation of Jackson Howard made this deck stronger.

This is a pretty straightforward control deck, just remember to keep one Fisk Investment Seminar in hand, to use it if you see that the corp is attempting to score something that you can't steal.

Quick report:

Turn 1 - against Paolo (AgInfusion): Jinteki is not an easy matchup and Paolo is a tough opponent. I managed to steal a couple of agendas, and to smash repeatedly his hand with Maw thanks to an unprotected remote. In the end, he managed to mill all my deck, but at the high price of having almost milled himself and, indeed, I won by decking him by stealing the last card in R&D while he was trying to score his last agenda in a remote (there were several Obokatas in the archives that I couldn't steal), thus decking him.

Turn 2 - against Edo (Architects of Tomorrow): we played a lot together to test both our decks, so we knew really well our matchup. I understood that had a bad start, so I started to attack all of his central servers, eventually stealing the last agenda. Aumakua was the mvp of this match.

Turn 3 - against Darta (CI kill): he was the reason why I played Information Sifting and Citadel Sanctuary. I started drawing aggressively, while mawing a card from HQ whenever i could in order to dismantle his combo, but he managed to fire it before that I could find the Citadel or steal enough agenda points.

Overall, I think this was a funny and strong deck to play but, unfortunatly, this build is not legal anymore due to the inclusion of Tapwrm in the MWL.

published by AlwaysBeRunning.net

14 Aug 2018 Cpt_nice

I am confused. Tapwrm is already on the MWL as a restricted card, the new unconfirmed list has it as banned instead. This deck has 2 restricted cards and isn't legal for official play. How did nobody catch this?

14 Aug 2018 Berzelius

It was with the old MWL back in January.