Igloo Australia

leigh 78

I got tired of being broke and out of control. So I retrofitted my MaxX deck into a Reina deck that doubles down on what Reina does -- makes the corp poor -- while still maintaining the basic goal of scoring mostly out of archives via Eater + Keyhole and Amped + Wanton runs.

Ideally if I need to enter remotes I can apply~EXXXTREME ECON PAIN~ so as to walk into servers without friction or fear. The Vamp + Xanadu + Rook plan is designed to ~SURPRISE~ the corporation once they have built a remote and started advancing inside of it.

Crescentus seems like it will be a lot of fun with Eater and Clone Chip, especially if it hits the table early on and then Rook and Xanadu appear (it would be nice to make a corporation pay more to rez a piece of ice a second time than they did the first). Crescentus is preferable to Emergency Shutdown, especially with Eater, and because you don't have to just hold it til you might need it AND because you can use it with Clone Chip. I've never tried this before but I'm excited to see if I can figure it out.

Vigil exists to help manage draw; if a corporation responds by keeping a four-card hand it will just end up synergizing nicely with Amped Wanton.

I'd like to have Public Sympathy for my own personal security vs the brain damage I take Amping, but maybe with 3 I've Had Worses it'll be all right. I also considered having Imp simply to manage Jackson Howard, obvs the main obstacle a corp erects to an archive-focused runner. Figuring out when to pop the Hades Shard is something I'm still not great at, so advice on judging that window besides 'wait til there's some mystery cards in' would be appreciated!

27 Apr 2015 v01d

Hi there, it is an interesting deck. I'd be curious to know the reason why you chose Vigil over Deep Red. In principle Deep Red allows for a faster rook placement and you could even (?) include Pawn for recycling other chess pieces.

27 Apr 2015 leigh

There is so little draw in the deck that Vigil makes the most sense -- I either get to draw or have a reduced corporation hand size to play Wanton/Hacktivist against.

There is no reason to use Deep Red just to save a couple clicks on Knight and Rook which are very situation-specific here. Ideally at those times I need to actually access the corp cannot afford to rez ice.

27 Apr 2015 Cryoclasm

I highly recommend 2x Symmetrical Visage. It works wonders in Reina!

27 Apr 2015 leigh

Hey, that is a REALLY good idea. It seems I still click to draw fairly often with this deck.

27 Apr 2015 DrunkenGineer

Just something to note, I've Had Worse doesn't fire on brain damage.

27 Apr 2015 leigh

I know this! Thank you, though. I can definitely imagine a lot of folks would wonder.

1 May 2015 unitled

I think Hacktivist Meeting meeting has got the potential to be HUGELY annoying resource denial MaxX/Reina decks, especially alongside cards like Account Siphon, Wanton Destruction, Vamp, Keyhole etc. You can drain their accounts and then make them pay to rez that asset econ! Rezzing a SanSan costs them money, as does prepping their Caprice. And if you get a well time Wanton with a loaded Archives they won't actually be able to rez that Jackson to save their agendas.

HQ trashing is good, especially random HQ trashing as shown by powerful cards like Wanton Destruction and (one of my favourite cards in the game at the moment) Utopia Shard.

How are you finding it? I'm really looking forward to trying it out!

31 May 2015 leigh

Hi everyone -- thanks for the feedback! @V01dyou were so right about Vigil. It just never performed for me. Still not sure whether Deep Red would make sense (It depends on whether I start getting a little more use out of Rook), but I stuck Symmetrical Visage in for now instead.

@unitled you are so right about the Hacktivist Meeting. I put it in a while ago on a whim and it synergizes really well.

I'm proud of this deck (even if it isn't super different from other successful Reina types people have made, it seems), but I kind of suck at it right now because I'm such a poor econ planner. When I ran with Reina in the past running a lot and early was important, and now I have to get more used to building up and budgeting, as well as figuring out how to time those Vamp and Wanton runs. I like anarch decks because of the situational adaptability, but I'm not a good runner strategically full-stop so it can take a long time before I can tell whether the deck sucks or it's just me who sucks! :)

31 May 2015 unitled

I've been pondering this on the way home today now I've got Nationals out of the way (I met you briefly, by the way, I was the poor guy Quinns beat in the last round of the Swiss to make the cut! Happy that one of our local guys got into the top 4 though :) ). I can finally make some decks to have fun with!

I've been experimenting with a Reina and a Valencia deck that have PrePaid economy, a load of events not dissimilar from what you'e got here, and then Comet. Comet is great here, if you have Dirty Laundry (and Blackmail as I do in Valencia) you can Wanton then Dirty Laundry straight into archives to check for Agendas! I've not got Hacktivist Meeting in yet, after reading your thoughts I reckon I might go straight back to it! If you wanted to try it, I would do something like -2 Clone Chip, -2 Vigil, +2 Comet, +2 Deja Vu, then maybe squeeze in the PrePaid VoicePads.