Never ever break a subroutine

Diogene 4463

First, a huge shoutout to Mancini for suggesting the idea of making a deck that never break a sub. What a fun deckbuilding challenge! I look forward to see what Mancini would find for the archetype, in the wild or in netdb.

Never break the rule, never break subroutines. But laughing like a mad scientist is quite reasonable.

How does it work?

Mulligan plan : Always start with at least one card that gives you credits.

Game plan : Run centrals, hopefully doing some multiaccess and try to keep the pressure on the corp. Get back your bypass tools with Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter.

Here are some fun combo : DreamNet with Zenit Chip JZ-2MJ will get you 2 cards per turn just for running your mark.

Hush is our tech card for Anansi, but will also serve "on encounter" ices or special ices like Border Control.

The ways to access servers are your bypass tools (Inside Job, "Baklan" Bochkin, Backstitching, Femme Fatale). Depending on the board state, Tread Lightly could give you an access. Tracker will help lower the cost of using Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga.

Tapwrm help you by pushing the corp to give you a turn to purge it.

Retrieval Run will allow you to install Femme Fatale cheaply or put back a program that was trashed.

I did try Always Have a Backup Plan and Leave No Trace, but it did not work well. The first one is usually dead against Jinteki and the second one does not hurt the corp that much, since a lot of ices are rather cheap (you get blocked by a simple Ice Wall). Same for Sneakdoor Beta, I was getting better result with Virtuoso.

As you can see, there is no Boomerang, Botulus, Endurance, Gbahali or Kongamato, because those actually break subroutine.

Enjoy! Cheers!

5 Feb 2023 Mancini

I wonder if Credit Kiting could substitute for Retrieval Run to save influence for 2x Xanadu, 1x Deuces Wild, and perhaps 1x DJ Fenris for Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter?

5 Feb 2023 Diogene

@Mancini I think Credit Kiting is a good call, since it would allow us to directly install Femme Fatale. I've favored Retrieval Run because it synergize with Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga. The latter take cards out of our hand and Retrieval Run allow us to make that a good thing for our game plan. But it could go either way. As you stated, the saved influence could be used for many things.

If we save influence, we could consider Logic Bomb, which might be expensive in influence, but very potent.

Of note, you could easily trade a Deuces Wild for an additionnal Hush or Hunting Grounds. The latter is an amazing tech card against Loki and against the big NBN ices.

Tell me how it went in your tests. Thanks for sharing!