ProJankT Nisei Mk I - TAXGATE

Bigguyforyou518 1764

Okay, so we, uh, we have a lot of code gates.

This is an RP glacier-style deck loosely built around Encrypted Portals to brutally tax the runner using the sexiest type of ice in the game. On the other side of the aisle, killers are often installed first for face-checking, followed by fracters to actually get into the servers. Decoders tend to fall in a grey area, often waiting on the bench until the runner becomes legitimately inconvenienced by a code gate. So one fun thing about this deck is that unless you tip your hand incredibly early, you can frequently watch the runner waste 's, 's, and installing several breakers that will be completely useless to them.

You've got plenty of econ with 6 solid drip assets and 6 reliable operations. On top of that, you've got some Pop-up Windows for fun, and scoring out an Encrypted Portals can realistically give you anywhere from 2-12's.

You've got a strong early game, not just from your econ, but also because there's plenty of ice and most of it is very reasonably priced. There's no Komainu's here, but many of the ice have other "spiky" subroutines that aren't fun to bounce against, which work well on the outside of your centrals (Pop-up Window, Enigma, Yagura, Crick, Tollbooth).

Perhaps the strongest part of the deck is how well it transitions into the later stages of the game. Each Encrypted Portals you score upgrades your entire board, giving you money and jacking the tax cost up considerably. Caprice Nisei needs no explanation here, I'm sure, but Will-o'-the-Wisp can also be a nice (influence-free) way to knock out their decoder for a turn or two. You'll eventually draw your Tenma Line, which is an excellent polish to adjust any non-optimal ice you had to install earlier, and create the ultimate scoring remote.

Card Choices

  • Pop-up Windows are always nice to see, and send money back your way when you score Encrypted Portals
  • Tollbooth is arguably the best code gate in the game, although it's incredibly expensive. You could probably squeeze another in, but there's a lot of situations where you aren't going to want to see it.
  • Turing is an absolute monster in Replicating Perfection, as it cannot ever be clicked through or broken by an AI program. At a hefty 5 str, it's not easy Parasite-bait, and will only get fatter as the game goes on.
  • Wendigo used to be another Pop-Up and a Viper, and could be again. Gordian Blade is extremely strong against this deck, and it's not exactly uncommon. Wendigo is one of your few ways to fight against it, and frankly it does plenty of work regardless of what decoder they're using.
  • PAD Campaigns could be Sundew's instead, but I generally don't want to waste ice protecting them (and nothing exceptional here for that like Eli 1.0)


  • Kit seems like a massive counter to this build, but she's usually quite manageable as long as she's not using Gordo. Study Guide gets doused heartily by Will-o'-the-Wisp, and you have a big enough combination of ice and ice strength to stay out of reach of Refractor, even with its full rig.
  • 3 Jackson Howards and 3 Cricks gives you plenty to work with against Noise. If you found room for a Cyberdex Virus Suite, I don't think anyone would fault you for it, although I've never desperately needed one.
  • Against Criminals, you've got enough ice to get ahead of Inside Jobs in a reasonable amount of time, and a setup that handles Account Siphons fairly well.
  • Data Leak Reversal shenanigans are always tough to deal with in slow decks, especially from Valencia. A great hand can possibly allow you to rush, but it may be better to play cautiously, defending your drip econ so you can hard DLRs through Fall Guys and Wireless Net Pavilions
28 Oct 2015 GrantZilla1979

Been having a lot of fun with this one. I think it's got some legs.

I threw in 2x Hudson 1.0 and 1x Viktor 1.0 for even more nonsense. Most of the time they're clicked through which is in a lot of cases almost as good as a hard ETR in RP.

Chum into Yagura with two Encrypted Portals scored is hilarious when you don't have a lot of money, they have Yog.0 out and think it's safe to hit whatever it is. Four Net Damage and bury a card? Yes please

31 Oct 2015 Bigguyforyou518

@GrantZilla1979 I've actually replaced the Chum with Inazuma, because the rez cost isn't an issue, and Chum is always a mere 2 (or less) tax when they decide to just run through it, even with Encrypted Portals scored :(

16 Nov 2015 PowerlessCube

I really enjoyed this deck - It's sneaky and evil