Fireworks Stand

Lttlefoot 1285

This is a meat damage deck that uses Boom and Consulting Visit to increase consistency and reduce influence costs. It can win in many ways and it can win quickly. Here are some ways -

  • Install two Breaking News and use Shipment of Kaguya to advance them both. The runner can only steal one because of Haarp, so on your next turn you score the other and cast Boom.

  • Install a breaking news behind a piece of ice that the runner can't get past yet, advance but don't score it yet, then score on the next turn to use Boom.

  • The usual butchershop dilemma, using Midseason Replacements to tag the runner after they steal an agenda (like a breaking news they had to steal to survive), then you can Boom them whenever; or, as a fourth way, use Psychographics on Project Beale.

  • Win by scoring agenda points; one way to do this is to get ahead early by rushing out some agendas, then trade agendas one for one by installing two at once with Shipment from Kaguya, and scoring whichever one the runner doesn't take.

A noteworthy card is Fast Track, letting you get your agendas early to set up any of these plans.