The Lonely Island ft. T-Pain

Cluster Fox 592


Not too much to say about this deck to be honest. It's 419 with Boat and some good stuff cards. Not that different from most of the Boat-1-9 decks going around. I suppose the only real thing of note, is the absence of Doofs. Crazy right? Bear with me. I think the most common argument for Diversion is the "credit swing", which makes a lot of sense in a meta where people are often throwing traces at you with things like Hard-Hitting News. But I find the pure "denial" part of the card is often a drip in the bucket. Two clicks for 4 credits isn't helping me that much in actually getting through ice and trashing cards as opposed to things like Bravado and Hot Pursuit, which give you more money for 1 click and give you accesses. Heck, even Rogue Trading gives you more money for 2 clicks. Also, I'm on Señor Taps, so why do I want to be denying your credits? I understand that that takes away a fair bit of the reason for actually playing 419, but I just like the 1 link and seeing what things are every now and again. Not once on the day did I sit there thinking "gosh, if only I'd had a Diversion in this situation". But hey, that's just me, and I'm mediocre at this game at best.

I'm not sure what I would change about the deck. Just a few thoughts.
1. I would definitely go down to 2x Credit Kiting and up to 3x Career Fair.
2. Makler looks alright on paper, but in practice it's a horrible card and all day I wished I'd had a Corroder. On the other hand, I was always happy to see Deuces whenever I drew one to boost Turtle, get rid of a surprise second tag or just draw some cards in a pinch. It's a fantastic little flexible card. I dunno. On the fence there.
3. I'd want to cut things for more Tapwrms. The argument for not denying credits with Diversions kind of goes out the window if you only have 1 and they purge it immediately.

On the day, even through a lot of hate like IP Block, Mavirus and even Macrophage, it managed to go 3-2 in swiss (and one loss was a concede because I just couldn't be assed, see below).

ROUND 1 vs M0H4WK (Acme)
He couldn't find Data Wards but I could find agendas. Story as old as time.

ROUND 2 vs Shiro (Built To Last)
He was doing quite well with Masvingos on his centrals but I had built up quite a bit of credits and was about to start locking his HQ and R&D, so it was anyone's game. Unfortunately I had to call a marshall and my opponent was given a game loss due to a silly mistake that sadly couldn't be rewinded.

ROUND 3 vs Koabayshi (Reality+)
This was a grindy Dargospam glacier deck that I was already not looking forward to, I really dislike the playstyle of these kinds of decks in Standard and I find that the games take a really long time and just aren't fun. And then like the idiot I am, at one point I forgot I was tagged (hadn't gotten Citadel Sanctuary out yet) and he trashed two Daily Casts and an Earthrise. There was a chance I could have clawed back from it, but it would have taken a very long time and my patience was already wearing thin, so I just conceded so we could move on to the corp game (in which I did return the favor big time, check my corp deck "Surplus Entropy" for that story).

ROUND 4 vs Ryanbantwins (Ob Superheavy Logistics)
Got uppaired against one of the most fearsome players in the country on the only Ob I faced all day, and in fact, surprisingly, the only Ob at the tournament. I started out ok, built up some Turtlecounters, nabbed an agenda, smooth sailing. Until he rezzed a Border Control and Obbed it in to a Macrophage. Ruuuuuuuude. I just let everything fire and ditched the Turtle plan. Found Stargate and saw another agenda but failed to check remotes first and there was a Spin Doctor on the table. He rushed out before I could seriously contest his remotes. GG.

ROUND 5 vs Maelig (Precision Design)
My opponent offered me a 2-for-1 as both of us needed a sweep to get in to the top 8 for a playmat. I needed to think hard about it, and agreed hoping to Jackson I could play my corp deck that I was far more confident with. A neutral party rolled a die and I got handed runner. It was the last game of the day, it was against PD, I was fairly sure there was absolutely no tag punishment in this deck, so I just went ham and full tag-me. I found my breakers early, I could contest all his servers, I got tons of money and accesses, I know it sounds mean but it was an absolute slaughter. I don't think I even installed Boat.

At the end of the day, even though we had an extremely low turnout for a Nationals, it was tons of fun and a joy to TO. Thank you to all my opponents, and everyone who came out for a cozy and diverse weekend of Netrunner. Thanks for the memories and hope to see everyone again soon. <3

27 Sep 2022 knack

Good job!

27 Sep 2022 Cluster Fox

thank you :blush: