Hall of Mirrors

greyfield 3917

Rather than embracing the intricate Bio-Ethics soft lock, this deck uses the obscene advantage given by Mumbad City Hall (especially in conjunction with Heritage Committee to shuffle back agendas) to fuel the classic Gagarin asset-spam bullshit everyone has slept through on Jnet.

Since I'm a particular breed of boring person who hates fun, however, I decided I wanted something a little less obviously dead to Switchblade. So instead of shoving an agenda behind a huge Tour Guide, this deck uses Mumbad Construction Co. to skip that server altogether. What's worse for a non-Switchblade, non-Faerie deck than having to bust through Tour Guide walls to get an NAPD Contract? How about busting through those walls to trash an asset!

It's possible the ice mix is totally wrong; I really like what Hive does in conjunction with the MCC score plan, since it gives you the theoretical option against Faust decks to just grind the game down to a crawl, load up 16 counters on your MCC behind Tour Guides and Hives, and win the game in a single turn. Also the deck probably still can't beat Stealth Andy. But it definitely seems like exquisite torture against Shapers.

3 Apr 2016 Myriad

I think x1 of Heritage is all that is necessary.

Next pack that can be the OTHER jinteki alliance asset.

4 Apr 2016 greyfield

I don't think the other Jinteki alliance card is worth it, but you're right, 1 Heritage Committee is fine. (I put two in this list partly because I'm bad at remembering to shuffle it back on Jnet.)

I'd recommend cutting the second for an Executive Boot Camp as "Mumbad City Hall no. 4".