49 cards and a dream

kevinth 287

This deck was brought to Canadian Nationals 2023 in Montreal, alongside Testrunning’s Pantograph Arissana. It placed 31st out of 39, which was (1) better than expected and (2) still good enough for top neutral corp on the day.

This deck originated a few weeks before CanNats when the Boston area netrunner meetup had a jank-encouraged tournament, to which I brought a Nova and an Ampere deck. Neither deck performed particularly well but I was having way too much fun on the corp side, so I decided to bring it to Nationals despite the best attempts of others in the area to convince me not to.

The basis for this deck was originally adapted from superheronation’s list here, although there’s since been multiple rounds of changes to it. I am sorry for having dropped the Jumon.

This deck is so much fun to play.

  • Round 1 vs Scott (Ken Tenma), win via points, 7-2
  • Round 3 vs vazmanian devil (Loup), lost on time, 6-4
  • Round 6 vs funkeyman232 (Hoshiko), lost on points, 7-2
  • Round 7 vs bye
  • Round 9 vs Bazza (Tao), lost on points 7-6

The overall record wasn’t that good but I feel like some of the games were close even if the score didn’t reflect that (and/or winnable with better play from my side).

Some thoughts:

  • sometimes people expect the anansi; nobody expects the second anansi (Ganked!)
  • with the reduced number of R&D-active traps I don’t love Mwanza City Grid right now; I probably should add Behold!. Maybe if there’s some way to get a lot more econ in this deck you can try the weird on-access traps from Kitara/Red Sand (Forced Connection, Tempus, Intake) but it’s also not clear to me those are very good.
  • you can score naked agendas a lot more than you’d think out of this deck

Can Nats was a lot of fun! Thanks to Andrej, Maddie, John and everyone else for organizing, and to the fellow members of the greater greater boston area (Dan, Izzy, Trillian) who headed up as well.