Want. This. More.

mnemic 9

Incredibly fun Sportsmetal-deck. Decent economy and ICE. Can end up making decently taxing servers. It's not over until it's over. 19-click turns are real folks. So is quick-scoring 2 GFIs and drawing 16 cards. At the same turn.

13 Jul 2018 vor_lord

I like this idea. I'm wondering why Research Grant over a more useful 3/1. Are you finding that you're able to score more than one?

13 Jul 2018 mnemic

@vor_lord It's not super useful, I'm deciding a bit between this and Chronos Protocol. It does combo with Bifrost Array though, which is nice. When drawing 6-9 cards with Fast Break, it's not unlikely to get some of them :)

14 Jul 2018 mnemic

@vor_lord It's not super useful, I'm deciding a bit between this and Chronos Protocol. It does combo with Bifrost Array though, which is nice. When drawing 6-9 cards with Fast Break, it's not unlikely to get some of them :)