FARP (3-1 Kzoo SC)

PureFlight 1070

I was very satisfied with my corp's performance at the recent Store Champs at Fanfare Games in Kalamazoo, MI. I wanted to bring a horizontal deck because I was concerned about ParaSifr. I thought about my FAIG deck, but it collapses to Whizzard sometimes. Rather than tax credits, I decide to tax clicks to defend my assets. Thus, FARP was born.

I played Sifr Smoke (won), Sifr Ed Kim (lost), Reg-Ass Leela (won), and Reg-Ass Andy (won). Thanks to Ross, Ryan, Ty, and Josh for great games!


Political Dealings turns your draw into clickless agendas installs, allowing you to Fast Advance. To keep the engine running, you need:

I found that runners could either deny all my money assets, or deny my draw/recursion assets, but rarely both. Many of my card choices dismantle the runner's efforts if they only attack one category.

Card Choices

  • Executive Boot Camp helps with Val and Au Revoir, plus it doubles as a tutor for the 1x Agroplex if they keep trashing Sensies. No one ever trashes the Agroplex.
  • Team Sponsorship was going to be Friends in High Places, but I didn't have Martial Law yet. Still, it was effective at bringing back econ assets. I think Friends is better, as sometimes I had to never-advance a Braintrust to get it to fire just so I could get back part of the engine.
  • An extra copy of Clones is there to get rid of Employee Strike.
  • Bio-Ethics is there solely as click bait. In RP, click bait is usually worth 2, so they end up leaving econ assets online. I try to only have one BEA rezzed at a time so it's a constant threat. It can cause players to tilt often (esp crims, who really don't want to lose that gordian blade in-hand).
  • I just used NASX as a PAD.
  • Chiyashi got rezzed twice and killed a guy. The facecheck is the real deal.
  • I'm using Excalibur as Medium defense instead of Macrophage because it doubles as a decent ice on any central in RP.
  • Beta Cat was an MVP. The deck is rich and forces runners to trash things to make them poor, so the trace is really easy to pull off. I used it 3 times in 4 games, trashing a Sifr, a Net Mercur, 2 Desperados, a Kati, and a Temmy J. Runners are already taxed for set-up clicks, so dismantling their rig is a huge tempo hit for them.

Here's a poem:

Ode to Beta Cat


Got trouble w/ Slums?
Beta Cat that Shit!
They Critique your Future?
Beta Cat that Shit!
Sifr killing your ice?
Beta Cat that Shit!

Runner see something crossin their path?
Bad news bears, it's a Beta Cat.

24 Feb 2017 BizTheDad

Wouldn't this have the same issues against Salsette Slums Whizzard: Master Gamer with Employee Strike?

25 Feb 2017 PureFlight

@BizTheDad I found RP to be better against Whizz than IG because they have to spend the extra click running the central first. IG's extra trash cost doesn't do anything for political assets vs Whizz until you've got 2 facedowns.

Yeah, the Employee Strike thing is still a problem. I didn't have trouble in the tournament because only 2 of my opponents were playing Strikes and I got Clones early enough in those games.

I suppose my point was that if Whizz with Slums and Strike is going to nullify my defenses, I need a deck that can slow him down until he gets those out AND have ways to remove those tools (Beta Cat and Clones). I felt that this was better than IG in that way.

25 Feb 2017 kwind

I think political dealings is probably the top cards in the Mumbad cycle that hasn't achieved its potential. Pretty cool idea. That looks gross to play against.

26 Feb 2017 PureFlight

@kwind Yeah, I think runners without Estrike are really at a disadvantage against this. I would definitely consider squeezing in a third current, possibly going to a 1x Clones 2x Scarcity or 2x Static. Could possibly drop an ICE (Cortex or Yagura?) or maybe a Bio-Ethics.