Memory Overflow

Berataur 8

This deck is more of a proof of concept to myself than anything else. The idea of Sage has been fascinating me lately and I wanted to see what I could do with it. The basic idea here is to get a Sage out early, preferably onto a Scheherazade or Dinosaurus so as to maximize it's strength. Digging for the e3 Feedback Implants and Dyson Mem Chip's is the next most important step. Earlier builds had issues with economy, hence the addition of Daily Casts and Underworld Contact's to try to get a passive economy going. The R&D Interface is there to give it some threat but I'm not attached to them. The biggest changes I'm considering are switching the identity over to Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman or dropping the R&D Interface's for more events. Professional Contacts has also been suggested in place of Earthrise Hotel but I like the forced card draw more than I like spending a click. Constructive feedback would be appreciated as I'm not the best at deck building.

6 Aug 2015 LynxMegaCorp

How about dropping the Access to Globalsec and Underworld Contacts for 3 Data Folding? The Lockpicks also don't work with e3, so you miggt be losing out overall. There are a couple of things you could change, both to increase consistency and efficiency.

6 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

The first thing I would cut is Scheherazade. She's useful in many archetypes (and ignored for no good reason in others) but she isn't doing much work for you here. You want multiple installs per turn to make use of her; you are getting 4-9 from her over the entire game, not including install costs, and that's if you see her early. She's for program and recursion heavy decks, which this is not.

That 2 influence should probably go to HQ access, either a Legwork or an HQ Interface. When set up, Sage gets in. Take advantage of that.

1x Dinosaurus is not ideal. It's a card that has to come out first, so you are pretty much stuck running 3 if it's a cornerstone of the deck. Exacerbating the issue is the tempo cost; it's expensive to install. Sageasaurus is definitely popular, you can find builds all over this site, but you want your console out early and for cheap. You already have a lot of hardware and a couple 3+ programs, so Modded might be a good choice here.

I wouldn't run 3x Dyson Mem Chip and 3x Underworld Contact over 3x CyberSolutions Mem Chip and other econ. Stimshop seems like a great idea for the amount of things you want to install, and you have the influence and deck space for it if you cut Scheherazade. This deck already sets up brutally slow, don't waste your time with expensive and comboey drip econ.

On the note of drip econ, if you still want it, Data Folding wants to give this deck big sloppy kisses.

Access to Globalsec can go if you don't run Underworld Contact. That's two more slots for probably Professional Contacts or Symmetrical Visage, which will round out your pacing a little. Draw and install is what this deck does, and either card will give you the money you need for it.

Datasucker is a safety net as well as run econ. This is a good call. I'd try to optimize on it by playing cards like Dirty Laundry; you get some creds as well as your access and token.

Personal Workshop seems like an omission. I mentioned stimshop before, and I think it really works here. It will certainly mitigate some of that setup time (and cost). I'm sure with some creative triaging you can slot in some Stimhacks (or one and some Same Old Things).

This was a lot, but hopefully helpful. I love shaper, it's my go-to runner faction, so thought experiments like this are a lot of fun for me. Sadly, thought experiments in shaper are often slow. You mention in the description that you want things set up early; I think with some changes that can happen. Let me know what you think!