Can't or won't?

mcg 1062

Because you can never have too many Archer references.

I've taken this deck to two GNKs now and lost only one game where I got caught trying to rush out due to a long first game (and even then it came down to losing a psi game). And on jnet it has an 82% win rate which is unheard of by my standards.

The idea is the same as Saan's Red-Deadcoats deck. It turns out that not many people are picking Film Critic as their unicorn, which makes stealing Obokata Protocols pretty difficult. Put an Obokata behind a Data Loop and a Kakugo with Ben Musashi in the server and it's almost impossible. And then if they find a way around all that there's Punitive Counterstrike to finish the job. Unpleasant. In most games that's enough for the runner to give up on your remote, which turns all agendas into Obokatas.

That generally leads the runner to poke around centrals where Snares and Breached Domes await, ably supported by Miraju and Preemptive Action. Reinforce them with your other Kakugos and it's not uncommon for the runner to leave themselves unable to do anything and concede.

If they're playing Film Critic then MCAI quickly deals with her. Consulting Visit will fetch it in a pinch. Of course ConVis requires six other Weyland cards to be influence free. Beanstalk instead of Hedge Fund works well. I've used Reuse a couple of times to ditch things I don't need later in the game or address flood with Preemptive, but there's some flexibility there.

This is the only Corp deck I can with at the moment, and I'm winning lots. And if I can do it so can you.

20 Oct 2017 Crauseon

Come on, Archer references without Archer in deck?!

21 Oct 2017 Qris

Very nice!

Since Magnum Opus seems to be the restricted card of choice, in my testing I'm trying:

-1 MCA Informant -2 Reuse

+2 Sapper - could be a nasty surprise central server trap and another target for Marcus Batty +1 ??? (Neural EMP/Breached Dome/Hokusai Grid/Hedge Fund perhaps).

22 Oct 2017 mcg

@Crauseon - I'd love to but these aren't agendas you want to forfeit.

@Qris - I'd love to use the Weyland spots on ice and have some more fun/nasty cards. But for one pip you've pretty much got Ice Wall, and I'm not sure I'm ready to give up that second MCA yet. Certainly worth thinking about though. I think I'd have the third Snare! as my first choice. I've seen some people cut it from similar decks, saying "it doesn't help you win". But I've won more games using Snare! to grind the runner down than I have with flat out kills. For the other slot I'd be torn between money and a third Consulting Visit.