Prisoner's Dilemma - Banlist version

Enchart 18

Like one of my opponents said after seeing what I trashed and installed during a game: "That's a lot of asset spam hate".

After couple of edits assetspam hate has downgraded but it's still other half of this deck. This deck has 8 too many cards. Change is going to come after I've tested this enough. Econ engine has changed from Bloo Moose into other resources. There is also subtle discount from bad publisicities. I admit it's a hard choise to spend your turn using Investigative Journalism. But it often is worth it. Mining Accidents are cards you want to see in starting hand.

DDoSies are paired with Emergency Shutdowns, cause I want to try if it synergiesies enough (I had spare inf from changing Astrolabe into Vigil). MemStrips is something you want to install when you get it, for Overmind might pop up and then you want to have it installed into ready setup. Retrieval run is there for Overmind/D4v1d circulation. Other than that this deck is, as the name states, anti asset-spam prison deck with badpub generating tease.

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