Red Supplier.

W4lt3r B15h0p 67

Reina's economy runs with the help from The Supplier. Keyhole runs and a glory grab from Hades Shard is the ticket for the win. Still testing but suggestions are welcome.

27 Nov 2014 Pinkwarrior

I like it, The Supplier is very good for econ especially Anarch i've found with a Quetzal: Free Spirit deck i've been running. Have you thought about Daily Casts over Sure Gamble i've found them very good for supplier based decks however you do sac speed for overall income.

Also Liberated Account is more reasonable to get out and really helps in my experience it's worth looking at.

The last thought i have with this deck is the 1 off e3 Feedback Implants it seems hard for you to find with no way to search for it i reckon it'll make a huge difference to your game depending on weather you see it or not.

27 Nov 2014 W4lt3r B15h0p

e3 Feedback Implants is there to help make Knight and Darwin not so expensive when breaking subroutines. I'm not dead set on the card but I needed to fill in some missing influence and be beneficial. I'll goof around with one Liberated Account this see if it gels right. Also if I get at least one Dyson Mem Chip chip out and all three Underworld Contact, I won't have a problem with recurring economy. Sure Gambleis there for early or later game quick boost.

28 Nov 2014 AsteriskCGY

Hell Donut might be a thing.