An Apple a Day [5th, and 6th @Cascadia/NA Continentals]

Santa 1629

"If you can't beat them, join them" - @enkoder


This is v2 of my list:
1st APAC: Santa's Workshop [Swiss: 7-0, Cut: 3-1]
- 2x Spin Doctor: An apple a day keeps the doctor away

This is the list that both myself (5th), and @maninthemoon (6th) took to Cascadia.

Shoutout to @enkoder (4th), who also took my exact list from APAC, and eliminated me with it in the cut! 👀


  • 1x Afshar -> Winchester
    • This change suboptimal
    • @maninthemoon and I discussed the ice suite, and potential changes post APAC, as we both wanted to take this Outfit list to Cascadia.
    • I wanted to run 2x Winchester + 1x Hortum
    • @maninthemoon wanted 3x Winchester.
    • We talked through it and came to a joint collusion that Winchester was such a good piece of ice that logically it made more sense to run 3x.
    • In practice however you don't end up wanting more than 1-2 of them max, and if the runner is confident enough to run early the ice is very porous.
    • Due to this we both believe its correct to run the Hortum, and possibly even adjust to 2x Hortum by replacing even another Winchester.
  • 1x Spin Doctor -> Mavirus
    • Updated this to deal with the increase of Clot, and general issue of Clot being your worst matchup.
    • With this update you have to be a bit more conservative with your Spin Doctor's as its your only way to deal with agenda flood beyond scoring them :)

Looking forward

  • This version of the list is practically solved.
  • My only main recommendation for this version of the lists would be the following swaps:

Cascadia Results:

Muntal Bost Play-mat

Watch out for the legendary new Team Muntal Bost play mats!


Swiss [Corp: 4-1, Runner: 3-1-1]:

Two highlighted games:

R4 (Win): vs rongydoge (1st) on Hoshiko [Stream (after mulligan)]
  • This was my one streamed game on Outfit
  • Game Report:
    • This game shows the power once more of this deck into a non-Clot deck.
R6 (Loss): vs Sokka on Freedom
  • This was my one corp side loss of the tournament
  • I wanted to make note of this game as Clot + Freedom was one of the deck lists I was very curious in brewing post APAC, and felt could be rather strong, particularly against this deck.
  • The Clot lock + Freedom was powerful in the way I anticipated clearing out my tools, and locking down my fast advance.
  • Note: I didn't find a Mavirus for a long time, but I still think with the playstyle it was favored towards @sokka
  • Something very interesting to note though, is that @enkoder ended up encountering the same matchup vs @sokka within the cut and had a tactful approach.
    • He ended up deciding to:
      "build a remote" - @enkoder.
    • This was a very successful pivot to the gameplan vs the Clot deck and allowed him to secure a victory.
    • Goes to show there's still innovation within it's gameplay and potential paths past the Clot without burning directly through them.

Top Cut [Corp: 1-0, Runner: 0-2]:

top cut

top cut (I'd taken some pre-match meat damage [aka: a bloody nose])

I got knocked out by my own list haha!
What a way to go out! :)

R1 (Runner: Loss): vs rongydoge (1st) on NEH
  • Game Report:
    • Moshing is a much better card when you take the credits :p
      • I played a Moshing the second to last turn purely for the credits as I was entirely broke but forgot to take them.
      • The next turn I realized, but it was too late to repair.
    • Not certain what lines I would have taken with those credits, but the line I took left me tagged and open to a counter kill while stealing a Bellona.
    • rongydoge found the End of the Line, and missed my Steelskin with his Reaper Function to land the final blow.
    • rongydoge played very well, jamming him 5/3's since he knew from my deck list that I wasn't on Mad Dash
    • This left me in that final position, where after he had scored the first Bellona I felt I had to grab the second, leaving me in the potential line of counter attack which closed the game.
    • GG's and congrats on the 1st!
R2 (Corp: Win): vs Solomir on Arissana
  • Ended up burning through 3x Clot's this game, including executing a Big Deal + Atlas
  • Clot is good, but not necessarily enough
R3 (Runner: Loss): vs enkoder on Outfit
  • 1) We sit down for deck list review
    2) Me: "did you change anything from my APAC list"
    3) enkoder: "No"
    4) Me: "Cool", and starts looking at his Lat list
  • Game Report:
    • enkoder played very interestingly, building out a remote server, which was different to how I've mostly played the deck
    • I got my breakers and money to contest, but let him score out an Atlas with 2 counters from the remote.
    • A very interesting play was that encoder spun back the 1x NGO into the deck which I had previously trashed.
    • The 1x NGO ended up being incredibly important, as later on he installed it with an advancement.
    • I considered if it could be the NGO, but if it was a 3/2 it would have put him at 5 points with 1-2 Atlas counters depending upon if it was an Atlas.
    • I decided to go for it, which left me with a low credit total after the bait.
    • enkoder played it really well and shortly after was able to pressure out another agenda, putting himself at a guaranteed game close
    • I was able find 3 more points, putting myself to 5 total, but enkoder closed out the game, eliminating me with my own deck
    • Felt like a rather fitting way to end

Final Thoughts

I went into Cascadia with no goals for placement.

I simply wanted to win 3 games on Hosh :p

I think my runner side play is the area I can improve the most.

I'm quite happy with my overall placement. Although, I do think it would have been funny to see what NSG would have said if I qualified for internationals twice :p

Also, save the triple crown achievement for next year :p


17 Aug 2023 maninthemoon

It was a blast playing the exact same lists into the cut with you this weekend. Wonderful writeup as always! Very well done. This was only one card off my APAC list, I guess I was already eating apples.

17 Aug 2023 enkoder

Turns out that The Outfit is so busted you don't even need to play Big Deal :P

18 Aug 2023 Jai

Nothing to say that I haven't already said last week; congrats on the double placement!

18 Aug 2023 Santa

Thanks @Jai! Just realized was that you in the chat as jairoscopic?

18 Aug 2023 Jai

That's correct :)

18 Aug 2023 SMITTYL

This fan girl wants one of those BOST mats! How many box tops does it take to score one of those bad boys?!

22 Aug 2023 Santa

@Jai, thanks for the support! Super fun to see the messages in chat!

Was also great to see you on coms for EMEA! :)