Father of Dragons

yarsiemanym 237

  1. Chameleon is your primary breaker. Host it on Personal Workshop and install it after ICE is rezzed.
  2. Constantly installing Chameleon builds up Technical Writer credits.
  3. If ICE is already rezzed, you can use Savoir-faire and Multithreader to install Chameleon directly from hand saving a click.
  4. When the corp hits you with the firsts Scorched Earth or Punitive Counterstrike, install some hardware from Personal Workshop to add more copies to your hand and survive the second blow.
18 Nov 2015 LeePo

-2 Omnidrive, +2 Sahasara ? And perhaps New Angeles City Hall.

19 Nov 2015 droggar

Very nice deck but how do you cope with the asset spam decks

19 Nov 2015 Cryoclasm

When Corps tags you, first they will trash your workshop, then trash you.

19 Nov 2015 TipsyGamer

@Cryoclasm You have a paid ability window between Corp clicks that you can use to install what you can off the workshop

19 Nov 2015 yarsiemanym

@LeePo Omni-Drive solves 2 problems: 1) memory usage and 2) credits to spend after cheap ICE is rezzed. Nasir hates Popup Window and Quandry. Installing things is usually taken care of by Personal Workshop and Nasir's ability so Sahasrara doesn't add much value there.

@droggar That's definitely a struggling point. This deck can't trash everything so you just have to be as smart as you can, determine what's most important to the corp and trash that. This deck just tries to just hit R&D hard and often and make the corp thing twice about rezzing ICE. Rezzing Tollbooth isn't as straight forward as it is against other runners.

@Cryoclasm There are 3 Personal Workshops so I'm not too concerned about it getting blown up. And as @TipsyGamer said, you have a window to evacuate Personal Workshop before ti actually gets trashed.

20 Nov 2015 droggar

Another problem i am facing is against high str ice - it's quite dependant on d4v1d for these and there's only 1 so w/o a backup chip in hand it's a problem (unless of course you manage to have 2-3 llds processors installed and dinosaurus but even then it's max 8 str)

Then again no deck is strong against everything - having alot of fun playing this :)

20 Nov 2015 yarsiemanym

@droggar Yeah, you have to use D4v1d sparingly, but it can be devastating. I crushed an IT Department deck with the D4v1d spash. It's my favorite "Shaper" tech :-)

23 Nov 2015 droggar

i am trying to save test run for D4v1d - think you should mention it in the description of the deck ;)