Railgun Kit #nofracter #nokiller

cablooshe 152

In building this list I didn't realize that a few other people had posted very similar decks. Give their lists a read as well! I built out this list a little differently, but both have very similar ideas to what I've got here.


The end goal of this deck is to blast your way into any server with a mix of Engolo, Inversificator, and Mass-Driver. I chose these cards as my breakers because:

  • They are all decoders and therefore work with Kit early to facecheck anything.
  • With Kit's ability, they can all ensure that I can break into at least a 2 ICE server.
    • Inversificator can slide outer ICE inwards and work since Kit's ability lasts until the end of the run. If any codegates are rezzed, it sometimes allows a second run where you want it using positioning tricks.
    • Engolo paints the next inward ICE for 2. It's also the most flexible of the breakers and allows me to make an extra run without needing Kit's ability.
    • Mass-Driver is effective against pretty much all ICE nowadays. It's not the best to get early game and is more of a tech card into some corps that run Pharos or Hydra. I think you could easily run another Engolo or Inversificator instead, but it works for me. It's also very effective on making sure a deep ICE remote is accessible for cheap, as with the other breakers it's not too difficult to set up a server in such a way that you can ignore the worst of the bunch, allowing for an easier remote-lock.

K2CP Turbine and Cyberdelia make up the late-game sustain tools of this list. A good chunk of times you can use Inversificator to set up a server that makes you a credit or two after running it, especially if they've got single-sub low strength ICE like Magnet or Ping.

Setting up the board

Now normally, getting to an endgame boardstate with these three HUGE breakers would give the corp ample time to just score out before that. However, we have a few tools to get us there faster:

  • Spark of Inspiration is completely insane when you've only got 4 large targets. Whatever breaker we get, we have instant access into an ICEd server (Mass-Driver is surprisingly good into a 2 deep server, though it's usually not the best breaker to get if you've got nothing else). K2CP Turbine is a big spike for when you actually get your first breaker out, which shouldn't be too far behind even if it's your first rip off the deck.
  • Compile is the other way to get something out fast. It works in three ways:
    • The single early important run you need a breaker for but don't have
    • A recursion tool for any trashed programs due to rigshoot (no need for Simulchip)
    • A filtering mechanism to get exactly what you don't need to the bottom of the deck to be sparked last. Move the Engolo to the bottom if you've already got Inversificator out. Want to facecheck early but want to ensure your Spark hits? Compile a K2CP to the bottom if it's a safe piece of ICE.
  • Rigging Up is your backup tool for installing breakers. Your best option is to use it on Aniccam or Cyberdelia, but it's fine for Engolo, Inversificator, or K2CP Turbine in a pinch. Mass-Driver I'd rather just send to the bin and Compile back later.

Some other card choices I made:

  • Jailbreak, Legwork and The Maker's Eye are your multi-access tools, and its usually doable to get a third of either back with DJ Steve. Conduit makes the odds of an early breaker a bit too low for my liking, and since we're playing Kit stuff like The Twinning is too much influence.
  • Aeneas Informant is my "anti-asset spam" option, though I don't know if it's that good. It's not amazing synergy with my limited multiaccess but it provides a decent amount of value. There are also a lot of decks right now running 1 or 2 upgrades in a server, so as long as they aren't something like Manegarm Skunkworks it's free money! It might just be worth dropping these to get influence for an additional Legwork or something like Trickster Taka.
  • Marathon is another anti-asset spam tech card, but I think it's fairly reasonable even if you aren't expecting the matchup too often. you get to turn every run into 2 credits with Aeneas Informant for assets, except for the necessary trash targets. Even if you're only running once per turn, it's basically just a credit for a click if you want to run on a remote. Unfortunately it doesn't work with Aniccam though.
  • Why 1x K2CP Turbine? I think 2 skews the numbers really poorly for Spark of Inspiration early on, though adding another copy of Inversificator or Engolo could help out with this. It's nice knowing that if you low-roll a Spark the first time, every future spark is going to be a breaker that you want.
  • Pinhole Threading is good. With this deck you're only really getting max power early-mid game by running once per turn. Inversificator helps set your servers up a lot more late game but pinhole also prevents needing to run the doom server multiple times, which helps a ton.

Playing the list

Generally speaking, you're going to be making one run into ice a turn, maybe two if you've got Engolo. Once you've got around 2 breakers and K2CP Turbine out the ice isn't going to be an issue, but decks that are running Border Control and Bio Vault are really going to mess you up in some situations since you're heavily relying on your ID ability that only goes once every turn. If there are any code gates on the board, you can reposition them with Inversificator to give yourself an extra run or two a turn, or just make sure you're holding Engolo for those situations.

For my mulligan, you're mostly looking for anything that isn't a breaker. Rigging Up + Aniccam is one of my favorite openers since you can begin drawing immediately. Having K2CP Turbine in hand is actually quite a boon, since your odds of sparking a good solo breaker move to 75% (and Mass-Driver isn't that bad as breaker #1 if you can install the K2CP Turbine with Rigging Up).

If you want to do your own testing with this list, here are my recommendations (a mix of fun ideas and actual improvements):

  • Tweak the breaker suite to your liking. 3x Inversificator slide is super fun, though into some ICE like Akhet it falls flat on its face. Engolo is the most flexible of the bunch allowing for more runs and maybe a Deep Dive, but painting for 2 adds up over time (I probably wouldn't go that route, but it could be a weird mix-up). Mass-Driver can definitely be dropped if you aren't a fan, I just love it for the big glacier ICE like Hydra and Pharos. The main thing to keep in mind is costs, since you've only got max 8 to spend, and in most matches you'll most likely have 5-7.
  • Add Conduit and see how you like it. Or better yet, just add something like an Orca or another HUGE breaker. When I played hearthstone back in the day I used to love weird Reno Jackson singleton lists where you had to RNG your draw. This variant plays a lot like that, and if you want to "heart of the cards" it, it can be really funny, albeit way worse for consistency.
  • If you want more lategame sustain, I've been legit considering Smartware Distributor, since you aren't usually spending more then a single click on a run, and can afford time to boost them. A second turbine can also make Mass-Driver a lot more effective, since suddenly cards like Tollbooth are even easier targets.
  • I'd mess around with how many Compiles you put in this list. 2x Compile feels good to me for recursion needs, though if you find yourself drawing more programs to hand I can see a better case for a third copy to get it back into your deck. I'm not a huge fan of Test Run because it's effectively Compile for an extra credit + click to make the run, and while it sets up Spark you NEVER want to draw that breaker, so you need spark in hand to effectively use it, but you could've just played the spark instead in that case. I think Simulchip isn't great here unless you want an instant-speed reinstall due to something like Trojan Horse. You're already pretty resilient to Stavka Hafrún combos since in most cases you can just use a different breaker.
  • I have an old Kit list that used Maw as the console, and I think 2x could be fun. It costs a ton of influence, but the disruption is insane and the 2 make it nicer if you want a few extra programs out without needing Cyberdelia.
  • Prepaid VoicePAD was in the list before I found the influence for Mystic Maemi. I think a single extra copy is a reasonable add, since Mystic ends up providing insane value if you drop it early.
  • Trading Jailbreak for Dirty Laundry might end up better overall, or better yet, just turn this into a 50 card deck. Mid-to-endgame i've found my stack almost completely empty, just goes to show how weak this is into grinder-type corps.

Thanks for reading!

7 Mar 2024 tommison1

I love your slope) game deck!