my 49 card life (OMM purge tournament)

aksu 808

Suddenly ended up playing in the offmetamonth purge tournament. And I had crafted this 0 playtest version of reg sable where I just jammed all the broken cards :D

This deck is 100% not as powerfull as the esa deck that actually won the thing. But still seems pretty good.

Only novel include in the list is No One Home that kinda saves you from the scary MAD HPT combo ob. And I did manage to win against Toron exactly like that.

Some cringelords prolly would suggest cutting to 45 cards but idk all cards are good so you want to play them (its prolly daily casts and some other shit.)

UNBAN CF ITS SO FUN WITH SABLE!!! (preferrably also unrotate desperado thanks!)

18 Dec 2024 huanmaire

There was a lot of useful information in the post, which helped me learn more. escape road