Richter 39

9 Mar 2014 Alsciende


9 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

Do what my friend did when he played an LLDS-based deck at our store champs - swap that stimhack for a Scheherezade. That shit is gonna make you rich, I promise.

(and it won't inflict a BD in the process, either)

10 Mar 2014 Richter

Basically, Stimhack helped me to make a successful run after the Indexing one, but Scheherezade is indeed a very good idea, I'll think seriously about it.

Thanks for this sharing!

10 Mar 2014 Karselleristen

Immediate thoughts:

  • Hostage doesn't make sense here, a third Professional Contacts would be strictly better.
  • Dinosaurus and Scheherazade conflict somewhat, so not sure I'd spend the influence freed up on her.
  • Singleton Replicator seems awfully inconsistent, same for Pawnshop and Dino.
  • I think I'd like more draw power (ie. Diesels) to find the pieces you need faster.
  • Also more install during a run effects - although I suppose only Personal Workshop is left, and that one doesn't work well with 0 cost programs..
  • Hadrians / Heimdals are going to suck.
  • Not sure how I feel about Cyberfeeders in this particular deck.

Hmm, that's it I suppose.

10 Mar 2014 sirisaacnuton


2 of your comments can by answered by the fact that Aesop's is also a Connection, and can be searched out with Hostage if necessary. So it's not as inconsistent as only a singleton, and Hostage is not strictly worse than just running another Professional Contacts.

Heimdalls can be walked right past using Deus X, though you're right about Hadrians. Even an Inti hosted on the one Dinosaurus will cost 10 to get through it. Maybe a singleton Knight? Could free up the influence by dropping a Cyberfeeder, unless those are just way more critical to the deck than they seem to me.

10 Mar 2014 Richter


  • Regarding Aesop and Hostage, sirisaacnuton was totally right.
  • This is true, I didn't thought about the hosting contradiction.
  • During my 5 games yesterday, I did not find any good thing to do with my 2 Scavenge because each turn I sell the card hosted on Dinosaurus to Aesop. I am thinking to put another Dino and Replicator in the deck instead to have a more consistent draw.
  • In fact each turn I use 1 or 2 clicks on pro contact, then install and/or run, if I put some draw power, maybe should I replace Pro Contacts by Kati Jones?
  • During runs I have Clone chip and SMC to find solutions, it was always enough for me. In the future I intend to find a place for Savoir Faire in this deck, as Personal Workshop is not very interesting with my 0/1 cost programs.
  • For Heimdal, sirisaacnewtun was right, I use Deus Ex. Regarding Hardrian's wall, with Inti, 3 LLDS processor and Dino, it will only cost me 4 credits to break. (Or only 1 credit if I consider Cyberfeeder credits).
  • With Kate, Cyberfeeders becomes interesting after the first run and helped me a lot. Furthermore, I can tutor them with Replicator. Do you think that 3 instant economy cards will be better?

Thanks for the comment!