Joshua Overtime

Steamwood 313

I wanted to make a deck that made use of Joshua B. and his very useful ability for a cheap extra . To synergize with his constant tagging of the runner, I included Activist Support to induce the Corp to pay for it as well, and Itinerant Protesters on top for extra punishment, as well as a way to remove taxing Corp currents. Finally, Data Leak Reversal and Wanton Destruction lets this deck wipe out huge chunks of the enemy deck for clicks that you have in excess.

To aid in this goal, I included the Eater and Keyhole combo to get more deck destruction. In order to stay alive against Weyland, I put in several counters to meat damage. Prepaid VoicePAD helps get the events out more easily and the Levy AR Lab Access are must haves for any MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock deck. To keep your deck alive against Jinteki, be very careful about net damage when you have the AR in your hand. Check the discards frequently, and don't hesitate to use Déjà Vu to pull it out as you run low. Be aware of how many cards are in archives, however, if you want to pull out a Hades Shard to try to win. Those two cards are what I pull out the most.

If there is another runner who works with this better, let me know! I didn't pick Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire because there is a low density of viruses and the card draw is so useful. I have won 2/3 games after demolishing a quarter of r&d and accessing the archives through luck and/or the Hades Shard. Good luck, and let Joshua B. guide you to victory!

5 Mar 2015 Lttlefoot

Fall Guy can help your DLRs and Joshuas survive