Who You Know v1.2

smilingbandit2 15

This is an old version of the deck design. Version 1.5 is linked in the comments below.

This is a Keyhole deck that leverages passive credits and connections. Get a Dyson or the Helpful AI in play then start spamming Underworld Contacts. Use every trick you can to get credits without spending clicks, with Tri-Mafs as a backup source of cash.

If you can get Keyhole out early, great. Otherwise get Logos asap.

Do NOT steal any agendas if it will give you more points than the corp! Just keep hammering at R&D with Keyhole and spamming connections. Calling in Favors will give you huge cash boosts late game.

21 Apr 2014 Fox Ex Machina

It's an interesting concept, but right now you have a deck based on Keyhole with one copy of the card, and only one way to tutor for it (2 x Logos). Do you find that you're consistently able to get the ball rolling?

21 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

I haven't played it yet, so I can't speak for the consistency. 10 influence makes it hard to bring two copies in. I suppose you could replace AI and a Scrubber for a second copy plus another Dyson (or Globalsec). Slotting in a third Logos would be easier, but I worry about dead draws. I think I'd lose a Fall Guy to make that happen.

All that said, I don't think it's a huge deal if you don't catch the Keyhole. It's still a deck with good central breakers and monster late game economy. My main concern is dealing with remote servers. I'm beginning to think that the Overminds and Grappling Hook might be the wrong mix of cards, but I don't know what else to use.

21 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

Other thoughts I've had:

  • Replace Plascrete with Crash Space. It's not quite as much meat protection, but it synergizes with Account Siphon.

  • Replace the whole Grappling Hook/Overmind/E3 arrangement with 2x Crypsis. It's not as efficient, but it's much simpler to get running and frees up space for other options.

  • Data Dealer might be worth putting in this deck. I never thought I'd say that, but staying one point behind the corp is the best position for Iain to be in. Turning unwanted agendas into cash could be brilliant.

21 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Crash space is better, especially if you're using decoy as tag prevention which synergizes with hostage and calling in favors. Decoy could be all the protection you need, since if you can't be tagged, you can't be bagged. A backup crash space in case you get snared click 4 (your fault) and then sea sourced, at least it'll prevent a 3/4 of a scorch.

21 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

I've incorporated more of your advice and published version 1.3.


24 Apr 2014 smilingbandit2

Here's version 1.5, revised after a half dozen playtests.
