Mother May, I...

ironblue 166

I can't take credit for the idea, of course. This deck had me in stitches until I realized that with the next datapack, you MIGHT actually be able to make a full program economy work.

Incubator keeps feeding Cache (if you're cautious) or Gorman Drip (if the Corp hasn't been purging). Virus money plus Scheherazade money plus Oracle May money plus SUCKER money equals an economy that keeps chugging long after it has any right to.

Once the money starts rolling in, just do what the deck tells you to do. Hammer HQ if it's unprotected, lock R&D if you draw the Mediums, or just walk over ice with D4V1D. Heck, between Hemorrhage and Noise's ID, you stand a good chance of being able to deck quite a few Corps.

Interestingly enough, this deck sacrifices the element of surprise (with May and Djinn's reveal), in exchange for versatility. Pick your own win condition.

Surely, this doesn't hold a candle to Noiseshop. Consistency and speed alone probably counts it out of most tournament play.


You get to nest all three daemons at once.