Everything You've Come to Expect (3-0, 2nd @ ATX CO)

famewolf 177

Free Pinholes, Boomies and Miss Bones is amazing. Basically the same as this list, but with slightly different tech choices.

Crim is really fun - run the tightrope and glhf.

In honesty, I should have technically been 2-1, b/c I mistakenly cheated in a game by drawing 4 w an Earthrise + Class Act (tried to fix it and we continued, but still felt bad about winning that one 😔).

Thanks to all in the Austin meta and the folks from Dallas and Houston that joined!

20 Aug 2024 shaneros

My loss to you and this deck inspired me to go home and try playing more criminal. Cool list and fun inspiration, too!

Super glad I got to see this one in action.