Sifr Katman

CritHitd20 6979

If I were able to go to any SCs next week, this would be what I'd take. Except for the Deep Reds, those I'd replace.

In addition to doubling duty as a rig shooter and a Nexus with Atman at 0, Sifr also provides +1 MU compared to Astrolabe. That is actually sometimes relevant for this deck midgame.

Other relevant commentary: Citadel Sanctuary enables you to be more proactive in trashing CtM cards, which is fantastic, and Sifr solves the problem card of the matchup, Data Ward. The NACH with no Critic or backup is just for Shutdown kill decks and can ideally be cheated in with Colony; don't think Plascrete is worth it anymore, but Sync Boom could prove me wrong. Top Hat has been much more useful for me in testing than RDI; its synergy with Indexing is great when you're pressed on credits/clicks and need to enable silly stuff, or just makes R&D lock huge after the first Indexing if you're ahead at all.

Losing Clot hurts a lot, but I keep telling myself that the tradeoff allows you to play more proactively. I think that Violet Level Clearance could lead to more CI 7pt Shutdown in the meta, so if that alongside IG becomes dominant then a lot of changes have to be made for this to be competitive.

13 Jan 2017 FreqKing

Nice analysis. I think another important consideration for this shell is the emergence of a bunch of new the AI hate ICE, e.g., IP Block, Chiyashi, Bulwark

13 Jan 2017 CritHitd20

IP Block is definitely dangerous; it's cheap, strong, and a pain to pay past without Citadel. I've played against Bulwark and done alright, but Sifr irritatingly discourages using ice like that since your investment is so easily turned into a huge credit siphon. Chiyashi looks fun but I'm not sure what decks can afford to reliably rez 12 cost ICE beyond Blue Sun, and since its AI hate is reliant on breaking subs, Sifr Parasite is even more amazing than usual.

13 Jan 2017 stoppableforce

IP Block probably is the worst of the anti-AI ice. I'd be less concerned with that than with Ark Lockdown, to snatch that one Parasite sitting in the bin.

Interesting choice with Top Hat. I understand the purpose, I think (letting you continue to see 4-5 cards down while the corp is working their way through the indexed cards you've already seen/rearranged, maintaining your lock). Sounds subpar on paper but who am I to judge?

p.s. Sifr is on NRDB as of early this morning, you can add it to published decks. Probably need to search with "ifr" unless you know how to type "Ş"

13 Jan 2017 stoppableforce

let me clarify: worst of the anti-AI ice for the runner. It's definitely the best out of those 3.

13 Jan 2017 CritHitd20

Ok cool, I'd be raging if anyone said IP Block was a bad card. :P Top Hat, however, probably is. It fills a few roles, but I'm totally cool with acknowledging it as my pet inclusion. There are a lot of merits to just playing an RDI or another good card over it, but I really appreciate how it further applies R&D pressure and synergizes with Indexing without costing any major tempo. Been most relevant against Boom kill decks and CI 7pt decks.

Ark Lockdown is a good tool to fighting Parasite nonsense, but you're still in a fighting position after that happens. You still get to play Sifr and 0tman as a weird cheap Nexus, and Ark currently isn't played enough to be worth deckbuilding around. Ark Lockdown + Swordsman is even rarer, which is the worst-case Ark Lockdown scenario (I've actually played against that a few times in my meta, but it's always been a blowout for Katman).

15 Jan 2017 EnderA

With Glacier dead, I expect the corp meta to shift toward Fast Advance, Shell Game, Asset Spam, or some combination. E.g.: Russian NEH, CTM (currently experiencing a ton of hate,) IG49, Possibly Gagarin, PE Shell, HB FA, and CI Combo.

I think Clot will end up an extremely valuable include if it isn't already, especially in conjunction with Sacrificial Construct. On the Corp side, Ark Lockdown is about to get a lot better. When Temüjin Contract is put on the MWL, some Anarchs and Shapers will switch up their econ package.

20 Jan 2017 TugtetguT

Is Levy AR Lab Access often used? I've tingled with it myself, but rarely got good use of it.

27 Jan 2017 CritHitd20

Maybe 30ish percent of my games? Levy is nice if you want to be aggressive with using your econ on trashables, or if you're playing against weird cambridge-esque like PU damage decks. I don't need it in most games, but I'm grateful for it when I'm paired against most flavors of asset spam. No SoT is very questionable still, but so far I just aggressively fire it if it is the damage matchup. I'm not much use right now though, haven't had barely any time to play this month, so I don't have much useful non-theory contributions.

Unrelated: in my few games I have played, Top Hat is winning me games that I would have otherwise lost.