Toucan Play That Game | [21st @ Afropean Continentals]

Council 1783

You want to trash my cards? Toucan play that game. :)

List did alright, prepping for Conts was INTENSE, I was running two subsequent internal testing events in Unband on Wednesday and Thursday which may have exhausted me a bit too much to play well on tournament day.

Apologies to @PSK for conceding live on stream after making a rules error firing drafter after it was broken, leading to Bankhar net damage. If you're a newer player and something like this happens to you, ALWAYS CALL A JUDGE!!! For me it felt like a good moment to concede a game where @osclate was soundly whooping my ass with her cool Hermes Hoshiko deck. :D

Rustryder is my hero for top cutting with his version of this, going so far as to play Tyr. But I'm proud of our whole group, we really delivered and did amazingly across the board. For myself, I'm contemplating whether this is the End of the Line for me - I might enjoy Netrunner more if I stop taking it so seriously. Maybe I stop playing online events? We'll see.

Thanks to everyone involved, this weekend was incredible. Even tho I didn't actually play. :D

/ Jinsei

21 Aug 2023 rustryder


21 Aug 2023 Jai

nooo don't stop